Thanks for clicking. Your classroom is about to change.
Did you know that the National Film Board has been a trusted source of high-quality Canadian media for 77 years? We are innovators in documentary, animation, interactive storytelling, apps and educational resources.
Our stories are unique, offering diverse Canadian perspectives and a balance in representation from across the country and around the world.
And now we have a platform just for educators.
It’s called CAMPUS and we’re offering all Ontario K-12 teachers FREE access until June 30, 2016. You simply need to register.
The Boxing Girls of Kabul (2011)
This online streaming service, built around more than 8,000 learning resources in English and in French, includes films and teaching guides complete with lesson plans, classroom activities, discussion questions and learning objectives.
Think of it as Netflix for teachers, with a whole lot more.
What you can expect from CAMPUS:

- timely content on contemporary and critical issues, and new films added every week;
- the voices of Canada’s Indigenous communities: we have the largest Indigenous film collection in the world;
- everything from rare film reels of WWII (for your history class) to cutting-edge interactive projects – ready to watch – all in the same place.
- 11 Oscar®-winning films, from our collection of 73 Oscar® nominations;
- teaching guides written by Canadian educators and designed for your curriculum;
- easy-to-use tools to build your own playlists, select film clips and share them.
CAMPUS is FREE for all Ontario K-12 teachers until June 30, 2016.
See for yourself how CAMPUS can work for you.
Create your personal profile today. It takes less than 2 minutes.
While you’re at it, want to subscribe to our Education newsletter?
Click here.
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Not an Ontario K-12 teacher? Contact a human.
Call: 1-800-267-7710