Pitch your cross-media project for a chance to win the ARTE Pixel Pitch Prize
Pitch your cross-media project for a chance to win the ARTE Pixel Pitch Prize
This October, The Pixel Market is hosting a 2-day marketplace in London, England and will showcase 20 of the best international cross-media projects to financiers and decision-makers from across the media industries during the Power to the Pixel Cross-Media Forum.
On October 13, a public pitching forum will be held and on October 14, one-to-one business meetings will take place between potential international finance and creative partners. Up to 10 project teams will be selected to present in competition where they will compete for the £6,000 ARTE Pixel Pitch Prize.
They are looking for international projects with stories that can span a combination of film, television, online, mobile, interactive, publishing, live events and gaming. Click here for the guidelines. Deadline to apply is August. 6.