New online: Highrise relaunches to include your participation
New online: Highrise relaunches to include your participation
The following is a guest post from Katerina Cizek, director of Highrise
On the heels of an Emmy nomination, the NFB’s HIGHRISE project is proud to present a gentle reboot of our website.
HIGHRISE explores “the towers in the world, and the world in the towers”; the human experience in vertical peripheries around the globe. Through various media platforms, including video, the Internet, mobile tech and live installations, we are taking an unconventional look at what it means to be an urban planet. We are now starting year 2 of 4, and here’s some new things we’re offering on the site:
For new visitors, we’ve introduced a feature called THE STORY SO FAR, which, through simple text and thumbnail videos, recaps the key milestones of the project.
We’ve also launched a new user-participation project: OUT MY WINDOW/participate, as a companion to our award-winning 360º documentary, Out My Window. Now, you can contribute photos and stories to our showcase of highrise window views from around the world.
And every Wednesday, we’ll feature a photo-of-the-week pulled from the growing pool of window pix. This week in the blog, for example, we are presenting a user’s own astonishing collection of photographs taken from her 7th floor highrise window in Alexandria Egpyt during the revolution.
Check out Corinne Grassi’s story through her own eyes on our blog, share your own photos and stories and follow Highrise as the story evolves.