Call for Projects | Seeking Interactive Creators to Explore the Very, Very Short Form
Call for Projects | Seeking Interactive Creators to Explore the Very, Very Short Form
In 2014, the NFB and ARTE launched Interactive Haikus to give digital artists the chance to create short-format experiences that pack a punch.
And now, the NFB and ARTE in collaboration with IDFA DocLab are calling on interactive creators for a brand-new challenge: Mobile and Interactive 60 Seconds.
A challenge for artist-creators
Are you a designer, a writer, a creative coder, a digital artist, a musician or a game designer working either independently or as part of a studio or collective?
If so here’s a challenge for you: starting with a few rules of engagement and the theme of mobility, we’re asking artist-creators to develop mobile and interactive experiences that are funny, moving, engaging or thought- provoking.
Life is short, today more so than ever. We want it all. We want it now. And we want it fast. But just because something is bite-sized doesn’t mean that it’s lacking in depth or feeling.
Mobile and Interactive 60 Seconds
For this edition, the theme is very much a reflection of our times: the mobile world. We’re all on the move. And the mobile world is right there with us, helping us make and break connections, rethink social norms and reinvent the world. Ideas have never been so much on the move as they are right now. Mobility can be about migration, losing our cell phone or the loss of physical mobility … occurring anywhere from everyday life to geopolitics.
And no platform better embodies the notion of mobility and the momentum of the digital world than the one we hold in our hands every day: the smartphone.
An international jury made up of artists, producers and journalists will select the ten best entries that meet our criteria, embrace the theme of mobility and respect the 10 rules of engagement.
10 creative rules
Your project…
- Is a 60-seconds experience
- Is about mobility and demonstrates it through the use of a smartphone features.
- Works in a mobile browser, no native apps.
- Brings personal and social media data into the story.
- Interacts with users intuitively. We don’t need a navigation menu.
- Is not a film.
- Uses sound.
- Is accessible to an international audience.
- Own or have had all rights released on all creative and technical assets.
- Break one of the creative rules (4 to 8) and explain why.
Call for projects
With this call for projects, we will select the ten (10) best proposals of all those submitted. We will then give ten (10) creators, teams, organizations or creative companies a prize of ten thousand euros (10,000€) each, or the equivalent in Canadian Dollars (calculated on the date the winners sign the contract), to produce and disseminate their interactive experience.
Proposals must be submitted online by April 7th, 2017 before noon (Montreal time) and before 6 pm (Paris time) through a transfer portal, the URL of which will have been sent to the candidate after registering. Proposals submitted by any other means will not be considered. The organizers reserve the right at all times to extend the participation period and to postpone any dates previously announced.
Time is ticking. Send us your projects at veryveryshort@idfa.nl
Read the complete terms and conditions here.
Good luck!