Hothouse 7: Tay in da Win
Hothouse 7: Tay in da Win
The following is a guest post by Candace Couse.
I animated my parasite scene today. I animated my parasite scene today for five hours, bent over the knitted intestines with my hand shoved up the tube. Now I know how large animal veterinarians feel when they are called out of bed in the middle of the night to deal with a difficult labour. Except, mine was way worse, because I had to photograph four-hundred frames of it.
I died like, four or five times easily. After I had to export and render it. This took a long time, but that was OK, because I had to make this loud moaning/whining noise to express to my empty basement how absolutely horrible I felt and that ended up going on for a while. My furnace came on part way through my wailing and—although at this point I was deep in a trance, and can’t say for certain—I think my yowl rose to a prickly falsetto to harmonize with the whirl and clank of my heating unit.
Afterwards I met with Luigi via skype to go over the results. If it wasn’t for Skype video I wouldn’t have known how feral I had become. I was like Nell (from the movie Nell) except I had emerged from my basement and not the backwoods of North Carolina. I seriously looked like this when I answered his call.
I know, I felt the same way. Tay in da win.
She’s got nothing on you though…
Chicka, chicka, chickabee. (Just watched that movie like 6 days ago…)