The NFB Offers Free Online Learning Resources for Teachers (Playlists for Primary)
The NFB Offers Free Online Learning Resources for Teachers (Playlists for Primary)
As the country’s leader in audiovisual learning resources, the NFB is offering FREE online resources designed to facilitate learning, from primary through to post-secondary levels. Due to the current worldwide pandemic, we’ve decided to make our entire educational offer available free of charge to Canadian teachers until June 30, 2020.
This is a unique opportunity to discover all that NFB Education has to offer!
Free resources for parents and students
NFB.ca is the National Film Board of Canada’s award-winning online Screening Room, featuring over 4,000 productions—documentaries, animation, fiction, and interactive works. We showcase films that take a stand on issues of global importance that matter to Canadians.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, we’ve organized some of these titles into thematic playlists, presented by school subject and grade level:
Short Animations for the Little Ones
Meet Ludovic the little teddy bear and follow him on his adventures.
Arts (Grades 1-4)
A kid’s-eye view on a diverse group of Canadian visual artists.
Arts (Grades 5-6)
Stop-Motion Animation Workshop
Experience the National Film Board of Canada’s stop-motion animation workshop online. This web module will teach you how to produce stop-motion animation videos and introduce you to NFB stop-motion animated films.
It offers instructional videos and step-by-step lessons. The 7 lessons have been designed for an Intermediate (Grade 7–9) Art Curriculum. However, they can be easily modified to suit other age levels and subject areas.
Download the NFB StopMo Studio app for FREE until June 30, 2020.
English Language Arts (Grades 1-4)
This collection is comprised of marvellous animated tales for children, many adapted from books by celebrated authors.
Lauded by the Canadian Children’s Book Video List, Educational Media Reviews Online and festivals across North America, these 15 short films are ideal for the classroom, particularly in language arts, literacy, citizenship and multiculturalism.
English Language Arts (Grades 5-6)
Films for youth that can be watched over and over again.
French as a Second Language (Grades 1-5)
Learn French with this series of animated films, many adapted from books.
French as a Second Language (Grade 6)
Explore the richness of the French language in Canada.
Geography, History and Citizenship Education (Grades 3-6)
Learning Through Empathy – Elementary
This playlist offers elementary school teachers unique Canadian resources that will help students explore, discuss, and ultimately express empathy, an essential skill for navigating the diversity and conflicts inherent in our global community.
At the most basic level, empathy can be described as “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.” Empathy allows children to see the world from other people’s perspectives and to walk, if only for a few steps, in their shoes.
Science and Technology (Grades 3-6)
Got a science question? Got a minute? The 26 one-minute video clips in the Science Please! collection offer humorous but rigorously accurate explanations of scientific discoveries and phenomena we encounter in our daily lives.
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