Let’s Get Physic-cal (or 4 Films About Physics)
Let’s Get Physic-cal (or 4 Films About Physics)
As famous physicist and McGill alumni Sir Ernest Rutherford once quipped, “all science is either physics or stamp collecting.”
Technically speaking, physics can be described as the the branch of science concerned with the properties of matter and energy. In short, physics is the story of how everything in our universe works. Indeed, the laws of physics are what binds our reality, and what makes our existence possible. Also, we had to learn about it in high school.
So, like an apocryphal apple bonking Isaac Newton on the head, we had an idea to concoct our own mathematical formula in the form of four films. So, let’s get physical with four films that all, relatively speaking, have something to do with the wonderful world of physics.
Science Please! Part 1
The Science Please! series is an amalgam of different small shorts and archival footage, many of which are available individually in the NFB archives. These shorts are combined together and, with some fun, amusing narration, educate the viewer about different scientific principles. In this first collection, the viewer is introduced to the nature of the atom, the state of matter, the mechanics of gravity, the force of water, the science of friction and much, much more.