Friday staff pick: Getting Started
Friday staff pick: Getting Started
This week’s Friday Staff Pick is Getting Started, Richard Condie‘s awesome animated short about Eugene, a concert pianist who just can’t seem to sit down and finally practice, two days before an important recital. Focus, Eugene, focus! Much like when you’re dreading a task or working on deadline, everything – absolutely everything – turns into a distraction and the most unlikely things suddenly become totally fascinating. Is it me of is it time for a snack? (Yes! Let’s make chocolate éclairs from scratch!)
The film struck a special chord with the Procrastination Queen in me. I am capital B bad when it comes to procrastinating. I’m the kind of person that if I never had anything to write that I was procrastinating on, the house would never get clean. What’s even funnier is this. The original reason I was going to present this film as Friday staff pick is that a colleague of ours had told us earlier this week that this Friday was International Procrastination Day. What a great fit, I thought. How clever! Well since I procrastinated all week on starting this blog post, I only figured out a couple minutes ago that this Procrastination Day is only observed in France (Journée de la procrastination). So much for cute connotations! But oh well. I guess I’ll worry about that tomorrow.
Getting Started, Richard Condie, provided by the National Film Board of Canada