Hothouse 7: The hard stuff and the easy stuff
Hothouse 7: The hard stuff and the easy stuff
The following is a guest post by Aimée van Drimmelen as part of the Hothouse Program.
I won’t write much because after days and days and days of 14 hour days my brain is pretty much toasted, buttered and eaten. Things are going really well, but each day I think I might be a little closer to finishing something else comes along. Body: tired. Eyes: crossed. Head: hurts. Fueled by: you don’t want to know (let’s just say a Dr. Pepper Slurpee does wonders). But that’s just part of the sadistic fun that is Hothouse, and our suffering makes it our mentors feel like they’ve done their job.
Below are a couple more clips from my film in process. Sometimes the stuff you think will be the hardest goes smoothly (the fish), and the stuff you think will be easy (spinning tires)… just isn’t. I blame bad math skills and not enough Dr. Pepper.
Side Note: Before heading to Montreal to finish and officially screen my film, I’ll be giving an informal sneak preview at the Saskatchewan Film Pool for family, friends, and the curious. I’ll talk a bit about the Hothouse process, display some of the online tools we’ve been using to communicate and edit the films, and show my almost finished film. If you’re in Regina, come on down. The screening is Tuesday May 24, 7-8pm.