The NFB Tour resumes in October
The NFB Tour resumes in October
In late 2010, we launched the NFB Tour, a series of town-hall style meetings across the country during which Tom Perlmutter, head of the NFB, met with a variety of people to discuss the new directions we’re heading in, take questions and talk about ways in which we can better interact.
The tour went on hiatus right before the new year, and now we’re getting ready to resume, and conclude, the last two legs of the tour in October. There will be one stop in Montreal (October 18) and another in Toronto (October 20).
Very soon, we will publish the times and locations for these final two stops. If you’re in the area, we hope you’ll join us. In the meanwhile, you can read about past meetings here.
The NFB has always been funded by the government. When the Royal Canadian Navy authorized movie Meet the Navy 1946 went into production the NFB must have felt snuffed when the deal went to a Hollywood Producer and the BBC .
The movie did not make Canadian or UK distribution which means somebody lost their shirt on this deal. See the documentary Meet the Navy 11.11.11 and find out who lost. Do you want to hire me or co-produce it with me?
No BC stops? What happened? Was so looking forward to this….
Hi Lynn,
The NFB would’ve loved to visit every Canadian city, including Vancouver, but decisions had to made in order to meet the widest variety of communities possible. When the NFB Tour visited British Columbia, it made stops in both Prince George and Surrey.