Best Films of the Year for Kids and Teens
Best Films of the Year for Kids and Teens
By Tey Cottingham, Advisor, NFB Education Team
Are you curious to know which Canadian books and DVDs the Canadian Children’s Book Centre has selected as the best of the year for kids and teens? Are you also curious about which NFB films, in particular, were deemed by their review jury to be the best of the titles we submitted? I am.
Great news. The NFB has no less than 7 new films listed in the latest edition of Best Books for Kids & Teens (BBKT), published by the Canadian Children’s Book Centre.
Hang on, before I reveal the list of films, I need to explain that a red star (*) next to the film title signifies that the review jury deemed this film to be of exceptional calibre.
Ok, so here we go; drum roll, please… Here is the list of NFB films selected for BBKT 2012:
Force of Nature: The David Suzuki Movie
Harry Jerome: The Fastest Man on Earth
I was a Child of Holocaust Survivors*
Now that these NFB films have been given the Canadian Children’s Book Centre’s seal of approval, do consider adding them to your classroom or library audiovisual collection this year.
Please note: The BBKT committees reviewed and recommended the English-language version of these films, which are also available in French through the NFB.
I’ve also tried the links with no success. 🙁
Looks interesting but none of the links to the films work.