Elephant 1967: Passage from India
Elephant 1967: Passage from India
It was a job that called for green screen. Lots of green screen.
Colin MacKenzie and Aparna Kapur have just completed an unusual shoot in southern India, kicking off production on Elephant 1967, a new animated documentary from Quebec-Atlantic Studio.
The project revisits the poignant and little-known story of Balakrishna, a bull elephant shipped from India to Halifax in 1967 as a promotional stunt for an Indian-financed factory in the small town of East River.
The Anil Hardboard Plant opened on Canada Day, at the height of the nation’s centennial festivities. The ceremony was to feature a live Indian elephant but history threw a spanner in the works. When the Six Day War interrupted shipping on the Suez Canal, Balakrishna and his handler were delayed enroute and missed the big event. Instead they became an exotic roadside attraction, drawing summer day-trippers from around the region. But as cold weather set in, it became clear that nobody had planned for the elephant’s welfare. Balakrishna died in February 1968, tethered to the ground in an under-heated shed.
Fascinated by this story of hubris and neglect, MacKenzie brought the project to the NFB in early 2013, when Annette Clark, executive producer of Quebec-Atlantic Studio, approved an investigate. “We hit paydirt when we found some great super-8 films and news footage,” says MacKenzie, “but it was Winton Cook who gave us our story. He was 13 that summer, the local paperboy. He made friends with Sankunni, the animal’s handler, and the whole experience had a profound effect on him. He filled an entire school scribbler with his account of the events, and he still gets emotional when he talks about how the animal was treated.”
The February shoot took place in Cherpulassery, Kerala, and was lensed by Santosh Sivan, a seasoned Indian DOP and director whose many credits include the feature Before the Rains. Siven employed green screen technique in some sequences, and the team collaborated with zoologist Nibha Namboodiri who works with captive elephants. She’s featured in the 1999 documentary Nibha and the Elephants, produced by the UK-based Icon Films and shown on BBC’s Channel 4, National Geographic and Discovery Channels.
“Ethics come first when working with animals,” says producer Kat Baulu, who’s made numerous wildlife docs. “Nibha was keenly tuned to the animals’ needs, and we really appreciated her guidance and insight on this shoot.”
MacKenzie is co-directing with Kapur, who is creating the animated sequences. Kapur won the Best Emerging Canadian Filmmaker Award at the 2008 CFC World Wide Short Film for her animated short Amma. MacKenzie’s director credits include Jerry Granelli: In The Moment, and Decoding the Undertow, a dance film commissioned by ARTE.
Winton Cook’s account will serve as the through-line for film. Production continues through the spring and summer, with a release planned for early 2018. Watch this space for updates. Elephant 1967 is produced by Kat Baulu for Quebec-Atlantic Studio.
Photographs by Colin MacKenzie.
Watch now:
Balakrishna, Colin MacKenzie & Aparna Kapur, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
OMG. I just watched this documentary yesterday.
It was superbly produced, written, filmed and equally disturbing. It left me sad and angry, keeping me up part of the night!
I still have many unanswered questions, and intend to do more research on this elephant and his mahout Sankunni, when I find more time.
I wonder if the wealthy Anil factory owners, one Mr Jolly, ever faced any consequences for this brutal act of negligence both to the animal and his mahout? It’s an interesting take on racism, since the owners of the factory were Indian heritage, yet they seemed to treat the poor mahout with such disregard.
Why did the Canadian authorities at the time, who signed off on allowing the elephant into Canada, also not care about this animals welfare and treatment?
It is especially a poignant story in 2023.
Climate crisis. Our human hubris, that humans have dominion over animals and nature, is directly leading to our own demise.
I was easily able to do a search on the internet and see that the Jolly company and heir are still operating in India. I would like to hear a comment from them.
Kudos to everyone involved in this undertaking.
I was only 4 years old but remember this poor elephant. I would like to think the entire community and surrounding areas as well as any workers from that year would be interviewed or get to share their pictures. There would be so many stories.
You can contact me.
My name is Gene Seaboyer and I started work at Anil in 1967. I was the first one to find the dead elephant in the morning. I worked there for 35 years and know about the elephant and his trainer . We oft,en took him to the local pub for a beer. He could only communicate with one person,the electrical engineer could speak his language. I have a lot of pictures and articles about the elephant and the trainor.
Hi Gene, Thanks for replying. I would love to hear more.
you can contact me directly at Lorraine.daley@lpcorp.com.
Ihi am very interested in seeing this movie but my library as well as my local video store (that had a wide variety of hard to find videos) dont have it or know anything about it. How can i obtain a copy? Thanks Au
Hello Alex. Elephant 1967 is still in production and is scheduled for release in spring 2017. More precise info will be posted on this blog in coming months. Thanks for your interest.
I am currently working at the plant in East River NS and trying to find any information on the elephant – so hearing that a film will be released in the spring is amazing. We will be putting together a 50 year celebration and I would like to have some sort of commemoration for the elephant as part of that. Would you please keep me in the loop on the release? It may be an opportunity to release the film here as part of the celebration.
Lorraine Daley
I was there during this time and was the first on the scene the night it died , I have lots of information and stories about the elephant and the trainer.