5 Films to Get You Through the Cold and Flu Season
5 Films to Get You Through the Cold and Flu Season
‘Tis the season. We can no longer run or hide, nor avoid by blasting away our symptoms with copious amounts of vitamin C and echinacea. We really need to face the facts… It’s cold and flu season.
I woke up a few days ago having been hit by The Big Nasty and I’ve suddenly reverted to my 2-year-old self and crave chicken noodle soup, hugs from mommy and the constant reassurance that I will (once again) survive this. But most of all, what I really want is to curl into bed like Sleeping Betty and watch films on my trusty laptop that will make me forget my misery.
So hunker down in your favourite warm blankie with a lovely cup of hot tea and watch a few films that will give you a doctor-recommended dose of laughter and comfort.
The Dingles
Cuddly little kitties (almost as cute at the one in The Cat Came Back), cat-mint tea and a lovely breakfast are disrupted by winds worthy of The Wizard of Oz. All this followed by a lovely hot bath, comfort foods and a nap to beat the bad weather blues.
The Dingles, Les Drew, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
If you feel like cute and cuddly is the way to go, carry on with Fair Phyllis. It’s a cuteness overload filled with fluffy sheep and their little lambs! Watch Phyllis attempt to balance sheep herding life with a romantic afternoon.
A fun little romp in a train that brings back fond memories of Disney’s Dumbo, when the train wheezes away “I think I can! I think I can!”. In this case, it’s the little coal shoveler who has to save the runaway train after a disastrous encounter with a lonesome cow.
Runaway, Cordell Barker, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
The Family That Dwelt Apart
A quirky little animation in which each rescue attempt can’t help but make you giggle at how hard the villagers tried to rescue this “poor” little family.
The Family That Dwelt Apart, Yvon Mallette, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Cactus Swing
What better to get you wanting to get better and out of a bed than a bunch of cacti and varmints swinging the night away to a catchy tune? Mind you, The Log Driver’s Waltz is just as catchy, but what an earworm! Maybe save that one for when you feel just a little better…
Cactus Swing , Beth Portman & Susan Crandall, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
The Hungry Squid
Poor Dorothy has the proverbial 99 problems, but at least a cold isn’t one. And things really get out of control when a menagerie of animals decides to go on a homework-eating rampage through the town… and no one believes her! And you thought you had it bad!
Also, any film with a reference to Star Wars always ensures a smile on my face.
The Hungry Squid, John Weldon, provided by the National Film Board of Canada