3 Docs to Watch Before You Start Binge Watching The Crown
3 Docs to Watch Before You Start Binge Watching The Crown
As I tear my way through the second season of The Crown, I find I’ve developed an insatiable appetite for anything Elizabeth and Philip. It’s amazing – two people who live a world away (both literally and figuratively) have suddenly become the centre of my universe. I’m googling and searching Wikipedia, while getting lost in click-bait like “See Elizabeth and Philip’s 20 Sweetest Moments.”
And then it hit me. There’s no better place to look for material than in my own backyard. Or, in this case, my employer’s archives. So, without further ado, I present you with a short but sweet guilty pleasure watch list of the Royals.
Royal Journey
The Crown would have us believe that the Commonwealth Tour was Princess Elizabeth’s first important big trip abroad, but a few months prior, she and the Duke of Edinburgh traveled to Canada for a month-long tour. Due to constraints imposed by her father’s failing health, it was the first time a royal journey was done by plane, instead of ship.
Royal Journey, David Bairstow, Gudrun Parker & Roger Blais, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Canada at the Coronation
Prince Philip may have been ahead of the curve in having Her Royal Highness’ coronation televised, but we’ve got an entire documentary in our collection! See all the behind-the-scenes work that went into making this historical event happen, and then watch the real deal unfold. You can compare and contrast to the Netflix version.
Canada at the Coronation, Allen Stark, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
The Queen in Canada, 1964
I haven’t hit 1964 in The Crown yet, so I’m not sure if this visit is included in the series, but I can tell you I watched it like a detective, looking for clues of what’s to come and the status of their relationship. I can tell you one thing – Prince Philip gets very little screen time compared to the Queen. I can see why his feathers get ruffled a little.
The Queen in Canada, 1964, Gordon Sparling, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Wonderful film. The monarchy is a complex establishment. It celebrates what countries can do when they support each other!
What a great film and what memories! I was one of those students at McGill Stadium in Montreal cheering as the Princess and Prince Philip passed witin five feet in front of us in their car. Security didn’t seem to be a problem in those days. Kudos to those who made this film a work of film art from the fifties!
What a great film and what memories! I was one of those students at McGill Stadium cheering as the Princess and Prince Philip passed within five feet in front of us in their car. Security didn’t seem to be a problem in those days! Kudos to those who made this film a work of film art from the fifties!
These are wonderful films. Thanks so much for releasing them.