Stories From Our Land 2.0: Calling all emerging Nunavut filmmakers
Stories From Our Land 2.0: Calling all emerging Nunavut filmmakers
After the “Stories From Our Land” Iqaluit Workshop last year and “Stories From Our Land 1.5: Stories without Words” – a short film program where 6 Nunavut filmmakers made 5 minute films without interviews or narration, the NFB and the Nunavut Film Development Corporation are once again joining forces to create a new short film program for emerging Nunavut filmmakers.
Entitled “Stories From Our Land 2.0”, this program will allow participants to create a documentary film up to 10 minutes in length.
“Stories From Our Land 2.0” requires prospective participants to submit a proposal and a shooting plan. Once an idea is chosen, selected participants will work with a NFB producer and a mentor on the story, the scheduling, the shoot and the edit. The film will be entirely funded, and the filmmaker will be paid a minimum of $5,000 for writing and directing the film.
The deadline for proposals is Friday 29 July 2011.
All proposals must be submitted by email to David Christensen, d.christensen@nfb.ca.
For more information contact David by email (address above), or by phone at (780) 495-3015
See the full guidelines here (pdf)
Read first-person accounts of the first “Stories From Our Land” Iqualuit workshop here and here.