Explore the Universe with the NFB!
Explore the Universe with the NFB!
Filmmakers have always been obsessed with exploring the cosmos and the science of space. From Georges Méliès to Christopher Nolan, we’ve put together a list of films that explore and expose the secrets of our vast universe!
Here and the Great Elsewhere
In his “small here” bounded by a wall, a nameless man searches for the key that will give him access to the “great elsewhere.” This pinscreen animated film is a brilliant and dizzying reflection on our place in the universe.
Here and the Great Elsewhere, Michèle Lemieux, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
If you love science fiction, then you’re probably already a fan of Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 cult classic, 2001: A Space Odyssey. But did you know that Universe had a huge influence on Kubrick’s film? Directed by Roman Kroitor and Colin Low, Universe is a sublime short that has won more awards than almost any other NFB film.
Universe, Roman Kroitor & Colin Low, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Hubert Reeves: Star Teller
For Hubert Reeves, we are all “children of the cosmos” and, as such, are responsible for the survival of our planet. Who wouldn’t want to have him as an uncle or grandfather, taking in all the wisdom he has to offer? This doc delves into the world of a man who is a great humanist, ecologist, and – most importantly – a true dreamer.
Hubert Reeves: Star Teller, Iolande Cadrin-Rossignol, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Satellites of the Sun
Have you ever wondered about what life in space might look like? In Satellites of the Sun, filmmaker Sidney Goldsmith shares his fascination with the wonders of space. From the Earth and Moon to the rings of Saturn, embark on a journey through our solar system!
Satellites of the Sun, Sidney Goldsmith, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Git Gob
Finally, here’s one of our favourite staff picks! Made as part of the Hothouse 5 apprenticeship program, Git Gob features two eccentric characters asking questions about the cosmos. It’s a sweet and short film that’s guaranteed to make you smile!
Git Gob, Philip Eddolls, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
To infinity and beyond… Bon voyage!