Bug Off (or 5 Films About Bugs)
Bug Off (or 5 Films About Bugs)
Are there any creatures on earth more maligned and misunderstood than bugs? Though often dismissed as nothing but pests, bugs are, in actuality, amazing creatures and a vital part to our eco-system. Luckily for us, however, our busy worker bees here at the NFB colony have found a swarm of films to help better educate us about these astounding arthropods.
So, relax and curl up in a cocoon made of blankets as we present to you 5 super fly films about all things creepy and crawly.
Four Wings and a Prayer
Our first film on this list is this documentary about one of the most beautiful animals on earth: the Monarch butterfly. Based on the book by Sue Halpern, this doc takes us across an awesome adventure of triumph and survival, as the Monarchs make their annual three thousand kilometre long pilgrimage from their homes in Canada, over mountains, through storms and perilous dangers all the way to their migrational wintering grounds deep in the mountains of Mexico.
Four Wings and a Prayer, Nick de Pencier, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Queen of the Sun: What Are the Bees Telling Us?
“If bees die out, man will only have four years of life left on earth.”
– usually attributed to Albert Einstein.
Indeed, unless you’re Nicholas Cage in a terrible re-make of Wickerman, you’re probably worried about Colony Collapse Disorder, which has caused the number of bees on Earth to drastically decline. In this documentary, the viewer is introduced to various philosophers and scientists, all of whom are investigating this mysterious phenomenon. Is there a solution? Watch and find out.