Educational Resources for Parents for March 2021
Educational Resources for Parents for March 2021
Continuing our series of monthly programming for parents and educators pursuing at-home learning, here is our latest offering, including films and resources to help you celebrate Elderbeary Day, World Storytelling Day, International Women’s Day and National Nutrition Month.
To Wake Up the Nakota Language
To Wake Up the Nakota Language, Louise BigEagle, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
March 20 marks Elderbeary Day, an annual celebration that honours the contribution of Elders within First Nations communities. A great way to celebrate is with this short film about one man’s efforts to conserve his language for future generations.
Without Elders like 69-year-old Armand McArthur, who would ensure a language such as Nakota continues on into the future? His firm belief that if you don’t know your language, you don’t know yourself is the perfect prompt for conversations on both identity and the contributions of older generations.
Once Upon a Time
Are you ready for World Storytelling Day on March 20? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
When you think back to the first story you heard as a child, it was likely a fairy tale or a folk tale. This playlist has plenty of both, along with a whole host of other delightful animated shorts. Some will offer you the chance to talk about issues with your kids, like adapting to divorce or learning gratitude, but really? Just take the time to enjoy some master storytellers at work.
International Women’s Day Playlists
Every March we celebrate International Women’s Day, and it gives us a great opportunity to showcase some of the finest films in our collection, all created by women.
From Torill Kove to Diane Obomsawin, these directors cover topics ranging from the environment to the arts to gender inequality. These are issues that affect us all, as seen through a female lens. These films will provide both an education and hours of enjoyment.
This interactive project provides the perfect entry points to discussions on storytelling, the contributions of our elders, and National Nutrition Month.
Mariette Sluyter opens the oven door on the practice of baking bread in this heartfelt and engaging interactive project. Bread is an experiment in human connectivity, allowing us to climb inside the lives of six older women from very different backgrounds who all have one common passion: baking bread.
The project was born out of the work Sluyter was doing with the Calgary Family Services Older Adult Team, with the idea that perhaps those at risk of isolation could break down cultural barriers through their own innate storytelling, finding the universal truths among us.
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