Four of our productions have been selected at the Atlantic Film Festival (AFF). Held every September in Halifax, Nova Scotia, AFF is Canada’s 4th major film festival. Presenting itself as “large enough to attract the world’s most notable actors, directors and producers, but intimate enough to be Canada’s kitchen party Festival”, this year’s festival will unfold from September 16 to 25, 2010.
The selected films are the following:
Flawed, by Andrea Dorfman
(You can find another excerpt from Flawed here.)
Little Thunder, by Nance Ackerman and Alan Syliboy
<strong>Vistas</strong> is a series of short films on the subject of nationhood. From Halifax to Vancouver, every production studio in the NFB's English Program participated in this project, resulting in 13 unique films from 13 Aboriginal filmmakers. <br/><br/>
<strong>Vistas</strong> is a collaborative project between the NFB and <a href="http://www.aptn.ca/">APTN</a> (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network). In addition to being available at NFB.ca, these films are online at <a href="http://digitalnations.ca">DigitalNations.ca</a> and are part of an initiative to bring Aboriginal perspectives and stories to an international audience.
A Drummer’s Dream, by John Walker
(You can find 5 excerpts from A Drummer’s Dream here.)
Waseteg, by Phyllis Grant
(You can find another excerpt from Waseteg here.)
Congratulations and a great festival to all!