Quilt fever
Quilt fever
I’ve said it before, but one of my favourite things about my job is seeing what people do with our films once we put them online. Last week, the web team was surprised (I was personally very surprised), to see that within a week of being published on NFB.ca, a short animation about quilts, and quilt motifs, had got well over 13 000 views. Thirteen thousand views!
Titled Quilt, this short uses computer and experimental techniques to illustrate traditional quilting motifs choreographed to music, and admittedly, it’s pretty exciting to watch, whether quilting is your true passion or not. And yes, we mentioned it in passing in our weekly newsletter (to which you really should subscribe, by the way), but really guys? People watched this film about quilts more than any other film we have online that week. That means more than The Log Driver’s Waltz, The Cat Came Back, etc, etc.
Well it turns out the film was embedded on many specialty sites (a practice we highly approve of and encourage, by the way), ranging from HGTV, to The Quilt Board (“The Quilter’s Message Board”), to APQS, American Professional Quilting Systems, to many more message boards/forums we can’t link to because we unfortunately aren’t members. All that to say, I guess, that the internet is a wonderful beast. And keep up the embedding, quilters, we like it – a lot.
Quilt, Gayle Thomas, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Oi eu amei a sua apresentação. THEO, 6.
This film is wonderful! It was like watching what i see in my head when I’m designing, but set to music! Thank you!
I am in awe…………..amazing video. I have been a quilter for several years and it is amazing what can be done with a little variation of each block. Very beautifully done……..and the music was a great choice to the film also. Thank you thank you………….
Finally able to access video when reviewing ‘old mail’
An excellent video production with many variations in the development of a simple design. A creative source of genious apparently shared by all quilters and now sincerely appreciated by a former outsider.
I was mesmerized! Great job!
A great homeage to quilting! Loved it!
Love it! Love it!! LOVE IT!!!
A terrific animation –one of the best I’ve seen. The music and moving patterns show the relationship between dance patterns, especially the square dance, and quilts from the same “country” culture. I’ll never look at a traditional quilt again without seeing it move and dance.
Nice graphics and delightful ..
wonderful.. a completely different aspect of the quilts.. brilliant 🙂
Amazing movie Loved the Music the Most.. Seriously Unbelievable….
I watched this film on a flight with Air Canada from UK to Canada. It is superb. Thank you for making it it is truly wonderful and very inspirational. My wife is a quilter. Guess what one of her Christmas presents will be this year.
Awesome! I so lot of quilting and I love this video. The music and pictures are amazing. Do some more videos.
Bonjour, je viens de découvrir Gayle Thomas et son film quilt courtepointe. Je suis vraiment enthousiasmée. Je suis une quilteuse passionnée et fait des courtepointes entièrement à la main en utilisant des motifs traditionnels. C’est merveilleux de voir les couleurs et les motifs se faire en un clin d’oeil. Le patchwork est infini par ses multiples dessins. J’ai adoré ce film. J’ai envie de faire tous les quilts présentés dans ce court métrage !!! Bravo pour ce kaléidoscope géant et mille baisers.
Marielle Fourcade
charming…happy…makes me want to get back to quilting again…long live the nfb!!!!!!!!
If anyone would want to view my short film and provide me feedback, that would be awesome. I made it through my high school film studies program in just under two weeks. Any feedback is appreciated!
Sorry for advertising for this film!
Another example of why the NFB is such a jewel in our Canadian crown. You reflect back to us who Canadians are as a society, a culture and as individuals. Beautiful work!
I found this short film delightful, thank you…CAZ
This is a wonderfully entertaining video! Our quilt show committee has decided to purchase it for the York Heritage Quilter’s Guild Quilt Show “Art for Body and Soul” in Toronto, Ontario on Nov 11-13th, 2011. We plan on playing it continuously in our Cafe where all our visitors can enjoy it.
Lovely…Great graphics and music..
Super, very nice :-))
This was wonderful, plan on sharing with all the quilters I know. Just shows how many things you can do with quilting.
You can watch the numbers multiply as I will be forwarding the address to all my quilting friends “worldwide”. What a fun play on quilt designs. Love the music that accompanied the show. Thanks for sharing this great bit of entertainment.
What an amazing video! The music marries the patterns perfectly. Thank you so much!!!
Way cool video! I belong to Brandywine Valley Quilters, a guild in southeastern Pennsylvania. I am the webmaster for our website, http://www.brandywinevlyquilters.org. I will be posting this as the “featured link” for the month of March! Thank you for providing this wonderful bit of entertainment. Happy quilting, all you quilters!
I love Quilt Fever. Thank you for sharing it.
Amazing! All those block configurations – need to write a few ideas down! The music was perfect and inspiring! A great tribute to the art of quilting! Certainly a job well done.
I really enjoyed this quilt short film! I also LOVE..The Cat came back!
Absolutely brilliant, thank you so much for this film, Captures in a few short minutes the complexity and beauty of quilting.
AWESOME! I must share with my granddaughter who is studying film and animation.
Another great gift from the NFB. Thank you for posting this online.
Delightful!! Am sending this to all my quilting friends, and one who loves Celtic music.
Wonderful graphics and the Irish music was a fantastic accompaniment. I recognized a tin whistle, a fiddle, and a hammered dulcimer, plus the guitar. Just old-timey enough to be perfect with quilts!
Outstanding. I didn’t realize how many pattern block names I knew until the kaleidoscope began. IMPRESSIVE!
This was fantastic! Thank you for sharing you music and quilt blocks. Beautiful.
I would like to embed this on my blog. However, I do not know how. Do you have a code for that?
You’ll never guess where we first saw this film!! JUNO BEACH Information Centre, Normandy, France. Amazing.
Love it! Will forward it to my quilt students and quilting friends! Just shows why we quilters are so addicted to our art! And why you can teach 1 class to 6 different quilters and get 6 totally different looks!
Wow! That was fantastic!! I am more of an art quilter than a traditionalist, but it was fun to see the old patterns evolve and revolve! Thank you!
Our organization pacsnj.org has challenged residents of several south Jersey counties to create videos depiciting positive aspects of animal sheltering to encourage the adoption of shelter animals. We’ll be awarding a five thousand dollar spay/neuter grant to one of several selected shelters for the most viewed video.
I came to this delightful offering via Quilt University and thought I would share a way to utilize videos that could really make a difference.
Keep up the good work! Very exciting!
Music to my soul!!!
What a wonderful display of my favorite blocks…really enjoyed the graphics and the music!
That was sweet
Wonderful, wonderful, wish all the combanations were published in a book. You did a wonderful job of getting the point over, showing how exiting it is to play with one block design.
My friend, Margie M., sent this to me. It’s wonderful! The many variations on old standard patterns is unbelievable. I’m going to share this with the quilting group at my church. Thanks for making this available.
Thank you for putting quilting in a modern context. This is an interesting concept.
Wow, Now I wonder if you’re a quilter too? It’s a splendid short and very entertaining and inspiring to those who like the ‘cut it up and put back together’ world for expression. I hope you leave it up for a long, long time. Thank you. Merci
Fantastic, charming and delightful. It was like watching fireworks towards the end of the film — everything building to a crescendo of possibilities!
It was mesmerising !! Skip dinner, back to Quilting !!!!
Very Nicely Done!
This was like looking into the brain of a quilter. People do not understand our intrigue with fabric, patterns, design. This video says it all. Thank you for presenting what cannot be expressed.
I loved it—now if my quilts looked like them!!!!!
I LOVE IT! Awesome. Just watching the video I saw different ways a pattern could change into a whole new look! Thanks!
this was stunning. I’ll look at quilts in a completely different way. Thank you for creating this film.
What a wonderful film. Every block I love was showcased. Quilting is my business, and my passion. Great job!
I cannot add anything more cogent than what has already been said. Even so I must salute the fabulous visual/musical quilting experience. Brava! Thank you! Blessings on your creative soul!
That was wonderful, thank you so much
I was blown away by the quilt, especially since my son in law sent it to me.Imust buy the disc so I can study it, maybe I will be able to get rid of some of my fabris.
Oh, if only we could quilt that swiftly – so many wonderful patterns! So little time! I know it’s an old cliche, but it’s oh, so very true!
That was absolutely wonderful. I loved the blending of the music and movement of the quilt blocks. We are a big quilting community here in Southern Arizona. I will pass this on to all my quilting friends.
Quelle petite merveille ; merci à nos talenteux cousins Canadiens. Retrouver tous ces blocs bien connus,les voir animés sur une musique rythmée s’accordant parfaitement, quel plaisir !
WOW WOW All of the familar quilt designs And the Music PERFECT! ! ! Thank you so much
Unbelievable! A totally different look at quilts. Just beautiful.
I am a quilter and this is pretty much what my brain does at night when I’m trying to fall asleep. Great video.
Six minutes of pure fun. I am sending this to all of my friends in the quilting world. It’s such a modern take on traditional patterns. It was stimulating trying to recall the names of all the designs.Thank you so much.
Absolutely fab .What a very Expresive way of showing so many lovely patterns
thank you to June for forwarding it on.
This film reminds me of the first NFB films I ever saw: Dance Squared & Notes on a Triangle, from the 1960’s, for heaven’s sake. Is there any connection?
@Bea – You can use the Share button to share or embed the film. You’ll find the button on the player, or on our film page: http://nfb.ca/film/quilt.
What an AWESOME video.
I LOVE quilting and my degree is in computer animation….
AWESOME AWESOME. I would LOVE To link to it on my website, is there a direct youtube link? I may find it before you reply.
Great!!! Love all the block configurations. Thats for all the time in creating this. The music suited the patterns.
thank you for a wonderful blending of music and quilting an old art form that is becoming better known outside the community that creates beauty with a palette of fabric. Recently quilt art, both traditional and contemporay, is being given more respect as both art and business. Quilts are for beds but not just for beds any more.
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