We Were Children: 2 Residential School Survivors Share Story in Powerful New Film
We Were Children: 2 Residential School Survivors Share Story in Powerful New Film
The following is a guest post from Lisa Meeches, executive producer of We Were Children. The film had its world premiere at the Vancouver International Film Festival (VIFF) in October 2012, and aired on APTN on March 19, 2013.
You can purchase or rent a digital copy of We Were Children from our website.
We Were Children, Tim Wolochatiuk, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
For over 130 years, Canada’s First Nations children were legally required to attend government-funded residential schools run by various orders of the Christian faith. The schools were part of a wider program designed to integrate the Aboriginal population into the dominant culture and, in essence, to “kill the Indian in the child.”
At their peak in the 1950s there were 80 Indian residential schools across the country. It was in these institutions that over 150,000 Aboriginal, Métis and Inuit children, some as young as 2 years old, were stripped of their families, their language, their culture and even their humanity. My own father and sister attended residential schools. They wrestled with the reality of that experience all their lives, and died before they could share the truth with others.
I have listened to hundreds of testimonies in my lifetime, especially in recent years. When I discovered that my father and sister were survivors, many things about our life together suddenly made sense, and I found myself on a journey of healing and forgiveness of my own. The sense of loss was overwhelming, and out of it came the realization that no matter how hard I tried—how hard any of us tried—time was not on our side. Survivors were slipping silently away, and with each truth untold a vital piece of our history was lost. There had to be a way to reach more people, and reach them faster. It was then that I met filmmaker Tim Wolochatiuk. And I knew he would be the one to tell this story.
We Were Children is the testimony of 2 survivors: Lyna Hart and Glen Anaquod
In 1958, Lyna was taken from her family to a school in central Manitoba, while Glen, who was orphaned, entered a school in Saskatchewan, part of 7 generations of children who were betrayed, broken and abandoned. The impact is with us still, in shattered families, addiction, violence and suicide. For many survivors and their relatives the pain is still too much to bear, and until recently there has been little opportunity, or interest, in reviving deeply buried memories.
But things are changing. Those responsible for the residential school system are apologizing to First Nations people for the unimaginable pain and suffering inflicted and are reaching out in the spirit of humility, respect and reconciliation. Awareness is growing, supports are in place for those who wish to share their experiences and the shadow of ignorance has begun to lift.
But more than ignorance, it was silence that was the schools’ true strength. And the silence, as Glen has told us, was deafening. One by one, however, survivors are finding their voice, we are finding ours, and the silence is being broken.
As overwhelming as it is to fully absorb this chapter in our history, we must not despair—Lyna and Glen would be the first to say so. Because if in hearing the truth we retreat into our sorrow and our shame, we miss a crucial opportunity to ensure that the horror of the past is not repeated.
Glen Anaquod died on May 31, 2011, shortly after principal photography on We Were Children began. In offering his testimony he has given us the greatest of gifts: his voice. A voice silenced for decades by force and by fear now emerges, powerful and clear, preserved for generations to come. We Were Children is dedicated to his memory and his profound wish that no child would ever again experience the terror, torture and loss that he, Lyna and thousands of others endured.
We Were Children is a challenging film, and it’s okay to cry when you watch it. I did. It’s never easy to acknowledge darkness, to step up and face it head on. But in facing it together, we will find the way forward on a journey that will strengthen all of us.
So, where do we go from here?
- Acknowledge the reality of residential schools, their impact on society and their place in Canadian history. Building awareness builds understanding, which in turn moves us toward true reconciliation and healing in our lives, our families and our communities.
- Make a commitment to support or initiate efforts to commemorate the residential school experience, to record its history and to promote healing.
- Take action. Talk about residential schools with your friends, families and co-workers and connect with resources like the ones listed below.
Take time to explore these websites to find out more about residential schools in Canada and their ongoing impact, and share what you’ve learned with others. Together we will lift our voices for change, healing and hope—for us, but most importantly, for our children.
“This didn’t have to happen. And hopefully it never will again.” – Glen Anaquod
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Online Resources
Government of Canada
Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement
Click here to read the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement fact sheet from Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada has a mandate to learn the truth about what happened in the residential schools and to inform all Canadians about that truth. The Commission will document what happened based on records held by those who operated and funded the schools, testimony from officials of the institutions that operated the schools, and experiences reported by survivors, their families, communities and anyone personally affected by the residential school experience and its subsequent impacts.
The Commission hopes to guide and inspire First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples and Canadians in a process of truth and healing leading toward reconciliation and renewed relationships based on mutual understanding and respect.
Health and Well-being
The Indian Residential Schools Resolution Support Program (Health Canada) provides mental health and emotional support services to former Indian Residential School students and their families before, during and after their participation in Settlement Agreement processes, including the Common Experience Payments and the Independent Assessment Process, and those participating in Truth and Reconciliation Commission events and Commemoration activities.
Click here to view a list of Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program Regional Offices.
Raising Awareness
The Legacy of Hope Foundation is a national Aboriginal charitable organization whose purposes are to educate, raise awareness and understanding of the legacy of residential schools, including the effects and intergenerational impacts on First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, and to support the ongoing healing process of Residential School Survivors. Fulfilling this mandate contributes toward reconciliation among generations of Aboriginal peoples, and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people in Canada.
The Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) is founded on the collective goal to enhance, promote and foster the social, economic, cultural and political well-being of First Nations and Métis women within First Nation, Métis and Canadian societies. As a national organization representing Aboriginal women since 1974, NWAC’s mandate is to achieve equality for all Aboriginal women in Canada.
The Anglican Church of Canada’s Parish Action Kit is for those seeking to take positive steps toward reconciliation in their communities.
Information about the apology on residential schools by the Catholic Church and apologies by Catholic organizations in Canada.
In the past 20 years, the United Church has begun a directed, prayerful and concerted effort to become more informed about and responsive to the harmful effects of the residential school policy.
The Presbyterian Church of Canada
The Presbyterian Church provides a history of its involvement with residential schools and its journey toward reconciliation, including information related to funding of initiatives designed to promote reconciliation and healing in communities.
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Interested in hosting a screening of We Were Children? Contact us! (All community and school screenings will begin in Spring 2013.)
I enjoyed watching We Were Children and it also made me angry and sad that those children were subjected to such horrible treatment by so called Preist and Nuns. As an African American, I understand the importance of maintaining one’s culture and customs. I am so happy this story is being shared because it is important for people to understand the struggles and inhumane treatment some cultures have been subjected to threw out history.
That movie was sad to see children being treated that way and to know the school just really closed down in 1996 that sad these school should never been open I am native and my room mate to but both of us were adopt so we can not say on legal paper we r native cause we r not recognized by the government that we have native in us we were adopted in the early 1970 so because we had white mother no one asked who the fathers were so we lost part of are self witch is sad but these school when I seen this movie my son was born in 1996 and that when the last school was closed that was not that long ago that I trying to get my head around it It sad people knew what was going on before then so why did it take so long to get the school closed I mean by rights these school should never been open at all cause no one has the right to take someone identity away from them and to hurt children in ways u can not really fix with I am sorry the things that happen can not be fixed with a few words or money this is life time no one should ever be hurting children because they r differ from u
As a researcher and educator for the last twenty-five years, I have heard dozens upon dozens of sad stories, horrific ones as well from survivors of Canada’s and America infamous residential schools (institutions), but more importantly I have shared with numerous classrooms, high schools, colleges and university on the dark shadow of Canadian and American genocide or holocaust. Canada has nothing to be proud of in celebrating 150 years since they officially stole Indigenous land. Can you please tell me where I can order a copy of this video WE WERE ONLY CHILDREN?
Hi. You can contact our customer service department and they’ll be happy to assist you. You can reach them at clientservices@nfb.ca.
What I shared on my facebook page when sharing the link to this page:
Regardez ce FILM si vous en avez le courage…. A chaque fois que je lis sur le sujet, je suis dévastée… 7 GÉNÉRATIONS !!! pendant 130 ans, au Canada, 150 000 enfants des premières nations ont été ENLEVÉS de leur familles (parfois aussi jeunes qu’à 2 ans), pour être “BLANCHIS”, pour “tuer l’indien dans l’enfant”: on leur enleva leur PARENTS, leur famille, leurs cheveux, leur langue, leur culture, on leur enleva leur ENFANCE… Violences physiques, abus sexuels quasiment systémiques, utiliser la faim, les punitions, “l’emprisonnement”, et surtout, utiliser le SILENCE… Comment détruire pour des générations, détruire un peuple, de façon systémique et réfléchie. Et cela s’est passé au Canada, mais aussi en Australie et en Nouvelles-Zélande. Un vrai système: comme les Nazis ont organisé l’Holocaust, les Britanniques ont organisé les “pensionnats”…. Comment est-ce possible que des “hommes et femmes de religion” (les soeurs et prêtres) aient pu commettre de telles atrocités, pendant si longtemps, de façon systématique, avec la bénédiction du gouvernement??!!!!! J’ai tellement de douleur en pensant à ces 150 000 enfants, ces générations brisées, que je ne peux trouver les mots… Je ne peux même pas regarder plus que l’extrait de ce film sans être à terre. Tant de souffrance… tant de silences… Qui ont un “ripple effect” dévastateur pour encore des générations. Et qui expliquent tellement le mal-être des premières nations aujourd’hui. How could you NOT be devastated by 7 generations of suffering and abuse?! Of course this will have impacts. Comment guérir de tout cela? D’abord, arrêter le silence, il faut que tous sachent ce qui s’est passé ici au Canada dans le soit disant “plus meilleur pays du monde”… Car seulement en sachant ce qui est arrivé, en en parlant, en tâchant de comprendre et ressentir l’ampleur de la dévastation, il est envisageable qu’un jour, nos frères et soeurs des Premières Nations, puissent nous pardonner…. et puissent guérir, malgré toutes les cicatrices qui resteront là. “Je me souviens” est la devise du Québec, eh bien moi, je veux me souvenir de ce génocide culturel de ces 150 000 enfants qui ont vécu l’enfer sur terre. Et je demande PARDON, en pleurant.
magnificent issues altogether, yoou just gained a brand neew reader.
What could you recommend about your publish that you made a few days in the past?
Anny sure?
I am non-religious non-aboriginal who just watched this very difficult but remarkable film. When it became clear to me in the early scenes that the young Lyna was being prepared by her mother to leave for the residential school, I felt a deep sense of forboding come over me as I knew from a historical point of view what was going to happen. It was such a strong and visceral feeling, my instinct was to turn the movie off. Fortunately, something inside my soul willed me to keep watching, because there was something to be learned no matter how tragic and abusive the theme. If 80,000 aboriginal people had to endure such suffering, the least I could do was put my own discomfort aside and experience a very dark chapter in Canadian history. I am glad I did despite the disturbing feelings I had throughout. I truely hope one day all Canadians can live up to the apology given by the Canadian government and the long awaited reconciliation can take place ensuring all First Nation’s people can prosper in ways that are positive and uniquely theirs.
I just watched We Were Children in APTN
I am appalled at what happened to the children and what still happens to First Nations people today. I am an immigrant from Scotland. There was a time in our history that terrible atrocities were inflicted on our people. But this destroying of little people and of families by professed ‘Christians’ is absolutely unbelievable. I am so sorry this happened. I lived in Saskatchewan for a long time, have many native friends and work towards inclusion, collaboration and solutions. This must never happen again and should never have happened.
Thank you for the quality of this film and the truth that it tells .
Catherine Larnon -Trout
What’s up it’s me, I am also visiting this web page regularly,
this site is truly nice and the users are reall sharing nice thoughts.
Deborah Vanagatt
June 13th,2017
As I watched APTN and the movie we were children a second time, I cried and wonder with astonishment how little was known before you’re people spoke out. I am seven generations Canadian. I wonder did my ancestors know? Did the government keep this a secret? Did the churches know what they were doing? I feel shame for all the people that did know and did nothing to stop it, whatever the generation was. I never learned in school about any of this. I found out on my own many years ago. I hope it’s in the school history lessons now. I admire your culture and history. You are a strong people, with a long history. I am agnostic partly because of what you went through with all the churches, including my own United church, where I was baptized. So, it did affect me, we hear you, we are listening. Be strong.
Just finished viewing We Were Children on the APTN and was moved to tears. What a great film. Have met two people who are residential school survivors – one is desperately trying to have a healing lodge established in Temagami, Ont. He is desperate for help himself and wants other survivors to begin healing too. He has experienced much trouble, alcohol drug abuse since leaving the school and has spent much money trying to have the lodge erected. Unfortunately his distrust of government and has no respect for authority. Needless to say he is considered nothing but a nuisance and refused to play the necessary games required to get serious attention and eventually funding for a much needed facility. It hurts so much to know what he must do to be accepted by agencies and various levels of government to have his needs addressed. His healing will never happen in his lifetime and it is so hard to stand by willing to help and not being able to intercede for him.
How can I as a non aboriginal help in furthering the education of folks like myself in learning more about the aboriginal nations. I am forever telling people about the APTN and hopefully gaining a few more viewers who are more aware of the many nations and their ways of life.
I have a question too – how do I answer when people, especially immediately family, ask where has all the money gone that the various nations have received? I have told many that the money supposedly available is hard to obtain and people finally give up applying for funding due to so much red tape.
Because The God of this World is Satan the Devil these atrocities will continue to happen.We had the Jewish Holocaust in Europe and now this Holocaust in Canada. As long as Satin the Devil continues to RULE this WORLD Human Beings will continue to suffer in unimaginable ways!! May we all PREY THAT JESUS CHRIST will come back to this Earth SOON to take over HIS RIGHTFULL RULERSHIP AS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS on this Earth. When this happens all the Tears from the Pain and Suffering will be wiped away by Jesus Christ and PEACE AND PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS will be sure to follow. Please Elohim GOD OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN let this happen very soon!
After watching We were Children
That bot me back to my childhood when we were taken away from our family to this place called Ninette Sanitarium for tuberculosis where we children would go through hell with this male nurse who would tell us to bend you head down comes his fist on the forehead or the back of the head and would almost knock us out and this happened when I was about five years old and I was there from 1961 to 1963 and a friend of mine that lives at the same apartment block I live move in here about eight month ago who was there the same time I was and he still gets nightmares about that place as of today and I am glad to be alive to tell this story.
I am a Metis
One of our pastors had a sermon based on this part of our history and I was a mess after that service. I just watched the show just now and am feeling so sad for all those little ones. This kind of abuse sickens me. Not only that, it was done by people you expect to be generous and not only talk the talk, but walk the walk. It is a well known fact that the Roman Catholics have some very sick people in charge. To all survivors of this atrocity, I wish you peace and love. Virginia
We never seem to hear from people who worked in these schools (except the ones brought to court). There must be past employees still around. Do they ever explain or alologize for what happened?
I watched this movie on Netflix. Well done. Horrifying what these people endured as children at the hands of the Catholic Church. There were no real agents of God at those schools.
It is so courageous of the survivors to share their stories with everyone.
I stumbled upon this movie on Netflix and decided to watch it based on the storyline. I am a white foster parent and my wife and I have raised mostly native children throughout the past eighteen years of fostering. I dedicated my life to foster care after becoming a Christian as did my wife. In many of the children my wife and I fostered, we have seen the devastating effects of alcohol on families (the FASD child). I don’t know how many of these broken families link directly or indirectly to the residential school system but I’m sure there are many. As a Christian, I found it gut wrenching to see the pain that was inflicted on these people. I was brought to tears several times watching the little girl and boy being so horribly abused. We have been especially blessed in having had beautiful native girls and boys in our home. In fact we currently have a little four year old native girl in our care that I love to pieces. I pray that we never conclude that God is not love by observing the evil of a few. Ironically it is the contrast between good and evil that can be evidenced here. I experienced God’s love in watching this movie as I wanted to wrap my arms around both Lyna and Glen and comfort them. Thousands will watch this video and experience compassion for these poor victims and gain a better understanding of the plight of these people. My prayer, as will be the prayer of so many, is that we support and love as our neighbors all natives and people of all races. I leave you with Mark 12:30–31
“‘And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
PS: in my opinion the movie was beautifully produced, directed and acted
I have watched the movie…I am white and believe God is an all loving God . Please do not believe that all Christians are evil. True God filled Christians would never do these things to anyone because God is love., the three churches that have abused the most are not Christian churches……
As a white woman I do not accept the apology from the prime minister, it is a joke, an embarrassment to all people….if it were anyone else besides the churches of the roman influence the they would have been in jail…an apology is not acceptable …these evil people need to be in jail period…all of the crimes against humanity are just waved off if it is in the font or the roman influenced churches…this is what needs to end…if they do the crime they need to do the time…as all are equal in the eyes of God… We will all stand before him in judgement
I sit her in shock and sorrow. Having just watched the atrocities which took place in these schools are unimaginable. I cannot help but feel anger This shines a light on what the church and state of Canada allows itself to do to it’s people.
I saw an apology from Stephen Harper, but none from any religious official. Has anyone been tried and convicted for these crimes? I doubt it.
I am seriously considering a renunciation of my adherence (and that of my own children) as ‘christian’.
I just watched the documentary and went on this website right after. I was so shocked to find out what was really happening in those schools. It was actually a culture shock for me being a Canadian. when I was in high school, my history teacher touched upon this topic but not to much. I was only taught what the schools were and what they taught the children. I didn’t think for one minute that they were being abused physically, mentally sexually etc. and also being starved. im going to do more research on this because it deserved the attention of way more people.
ok…tahula i….sambil jarinya mengusap bibirku dia berkata sayang cintaku jiwaku serta ragaku hanya untuk mu…lalu bibir kami bertaut lama…selesai majlis pernikahan antara khairul razman dan zoila athirah dengan meriahnya.“Amir…Aisyah suka awak.!” tiba-tiba Suhana menjerit lantas berlari meninggalkan Aisyah terpingaMelihat itu Aisyah jadi malu lantas mengejar rakan baiknya dari belakangAku tergamamMungkin itu agaknya yang dikatakan Aisyah kepada Suhana tadiAku lihat dari kejauhan Aisyah mencubit bahu SuhanaGelihati melihat tingkah dua sahabat ituMereka dua bersahabat baik sejak darjah 1 lagiDi mana ada Suhana di situ ada Aisyah begitulah sebaliknyaAku kagum dengan sikap mereka berdua yang punyai ikatan sepupu ituTidak pernah aku lihat mereka bermasam muka apalagi bergaduh sesama sendiriSehinggalah kami melangkah ke sekolah menengah Suhana dan Aisyah masih seperti duluAku tidak lagi rapat dengan mereka seperti waktu di sekolah rendahMungkin masing-masing sudah tahu erti maluBatas sempadan lelaki dan perempuan yang sudah menginjak ke alam remajaSuhana dan Aisyah sudah mula mengenakan tudung baik ke sekolah mahupun ketika berjalan-jalan di desa iniMereka berdua makin manis begituMereka sudah menjadi anak gadis yang menjadi bualan pemuda kampung Sejak itu juga aku mula berangan dan berperasaan ingin berkawan dengan AisyahAh cinta monyetAku berjalan lagimencari arah mengikut hatiHati yang pilu seperti waktu dulu ketika aku terpaksa meninggalkan desa iniMeninggalkan seribu kenangan yang terpendamBerhenti di bawah bayangan pohon sena petang itu hati bertambah sebakSuatu ketika dulu di bawah rimbun pepohonan sena aku dan rakan berlindung dari basahan hujan sewaktu pulang dari sekolahAisyah dan sepupunya juga sudah tercegat di situ mencari teduhAisyah memandangku dengan senyummata kami bertentang lalu aku tunduk mengalahDi situlah saat hati berbisik bahawa gadis remaja itu punya senyum yang manis berlesung pipit dan sepasang mata yang cantik di balik tudung putihLalu dalam diam cintapun berputikDeretan pohon sena menuju desa sudah tua benarTidak seperti dulu bila waktu kami anak desa Batu Papan menuju hentian bas berasa kagum dengan hamparan kuning angsana desa yang gugur lewat subuhKabut pagi mendingin dan hamparan sena menguning mengajak kami menikmati keindahan ituBagai salji sepanjang jalan keluar desa dipenuhi bunga halus kuning apalagi ditiup angin lembut lalu gugurnya bagai panorama musim sejuk di negara baratIndahnya waktu itu sehingga kami terpegunKenangan itu sudah lama berlaluAzmanAisyahSuhana sudah tidak ada di sini untuk berkongsi cerita Setahun selepas itu akupun berjaya ditawarkan ke jawatan kerajaanSebagai kerani di pejabat daerah di bandar Bandar BaruSetiap inci bumi desa ini aku lewatiSetiap langkahan aku berhenti merenung panjang pada sebuah kenangan yang lama tersimpanKadang-kadang semacam lelaki kurang siuman bila aku berdiri memandang sepi kepada suatu tempat yang masih kuingat kuatAku mula mencari pangkal kisah mula pertama kali aku mengenal dan mencintai AisyahYa di sini mulanyadi bawah pohon sena ini juga sewaktu pulang dari kerja di bandar Bandar Baru Aisyah juga pulang lewat bercuti tahunan dari sekolah tempat mengajarnya di ibukotaSewaktu turun dari bas petang itu Aisyah menyapaku.Aku tidak mahu terjebak dalam perebutan itu kerana kekurangan diri lantas aku hanya memujanya dalam diam. Wanda diam sejenak. Eloklah hubungan itu diputuskan saja, Tanpa membalas mesej Ikhwan, tp kenapa dia tibe-tibe tegur aku bukan tau pun area Cherating ni. Tapi mungkin juga dia dah berpunyakan? Dia terus recommend Laila.
Taufiq berpaling. Tok!he. )Mamat itu: Awak ok keAku: Saya ok memang dah terlebih ok sangat sampai perut saya yang sakit tadi pun dah Ok(Oops…ape yang aku cakap ni)Mamat itu: Ape cik cakap tadiAku: eh… takde ape-ape ah…(tersenyum)Mamat: Nama cik siapa tinggal dekat mane orang sini ke Ape buat malam-malam dekat siniAku: Banyaknya soalan awak Tanye saye macam nak buat survey pulak. perompak ke? Baju kahwin? Biar betul Ayul ni Hampir ternganga Ezani dibuatnya gara-gara terkejut dengan jawapan ringkas yang diberikan oleh Fakrul tadi“Kau biar betul Ayul” tanya Mak Cik Limah yang ternyata sama terkejut dengan menantunya Tidak percaya dengan apa yang didengarinya“Betullah mak Ayul dah tempah hotel tadi Kad pun Ayul dah tempah Katering Semua-semua pun Ayul dah tempah Tinggal Ayul dengan Zani nak pergi tengok baju je lagi Hujung minggu ni kita orang nak bersanding” terang Fakrul panjang lebar“Kau nak bersanding Dalam keadaan si Zani ni tengah mengandung ke Fakrul” tanya Mak Cik Limah lagi Segalanya sudah pun ditempah Baru kini dia diberitahu“Ok ape mak Best ape kita orang boleh bersanding tiga orang Lagi pun Ayul nak pastikan Hanna ada kenangan yang indah untuk dikenang bila kita orang dah tua kelak mak” terharu Ezani mendengarkan jawapan tulus daripada suaminya ituFakrul berpaling menghadap isterinya“Abang tahu Hanna berkecil hati sewaktu abang batalkan majlis persandingan kita dulu kan” tanya Fakrul terhadap Ezani Ezani hanya tertunduk mendengarkan pertanyaan tersebut“Mesti Hanna ingat abang buat semua tu sebab abang kecewa tak dapat kahwin dengan Nina Tapi percayalah sayang Abang lakukan semua itu dulu sebab abang tak nak menyusahkan sayang pada waktu itu Lagi pun kalau pun kita buat pada waktu itu pasti sayang tak dapat nak menjiwai majlis tersebut sepenuh hati sebab sayang rasa terpaksa pada waktu tu kan” sambung Fakrul lagi Manik-manik jernih yang mula membasahi wajah Ezani itu disekanya lembut Kucupan tulus dihadiahkannya ke dahi Ezani“So abang nak sayang enjoy sepenuhnya pada hujung minggu ni ya Abang akan pastikan ianya akan menjadi detik terindah dalam hidup sayang” kata Fakrul sambil memeluk isterinya erat“Terima kasih bang. Tiba-tiba terasa sayu pula hati Ezani mengenangkan emak mentuanya itu.”“kejap lagi awak boleh tengok dia??kau langgar dia ke? ??Rumah ni agak-agak siapa punya ya??? tegah Auni.Bersama Abang Ril.Tiba-tiba lelaki itu tercegat dalam biliknya. Susah aku nak jawab nanti kat Anne, Selamat aku tak debik kau tadi, maka Ali ialah maulanya. Bayang-bayang berdua menjadi satu pun ikut sama berhenti. Mustahil! Tali leher dirungkaikan. Abang tetap abang adik. Aku gamam.
I watched this movie today on Netflix. I count myself lucky. I am Aboriginal – Metis I am told. I was taken from my Mother at my Grandmother’s house in St. Laurent, Manitoba, within a week after I was born there by Children’s Aid. I was put up for adoption, my Mother was not given a choice. She could either keep my sister who was 2 years older than me or me. She chose her. When my foster mother got me, I was covered head to toe in bruises, she was furious, she took me to the Dr associated with Childrens Aid, and he told her that’s the way Indian babies come, bruised, it’s normal.
Growing up Indian was hard in a white family. I was always told I was dirty savage by people, my family kept close guard on me. I was called “injun”, “nigger”, “squaw” and felt shame. No matter how much you wash, you can’t get whiter. This was how it was all through school. I was chased down by cars, chased by filthy white guys with their dicks in their hands, touched inappropriately and told not to tell. “Don’t tell, it’s a secret” I didn’t tell. I felt shame with my white friends when we’d see an Indian because of everything that was drilled into my head to be accepted. Indians were filthy, dirty, drunks, savages. So I kept my distance but felt ashamed in doing so. Not by my adopted family, but by everyone else.
I can only imagine the pain and suffering that these children had to endure. My heart pains with their stories.
It’s only been the last decade that I found my birth family. There was only myself and one younger sister that were taken and put up for adoption, but I found out there were 10 of us altogether. I know this is not at all similar with what these children went through, but, I can understand how they were told to be a certain way. White. I’ve only lately been trying to find out the Indian way but fear it’s too late. I’m not accepted. Too white now.
I applaud you for telling the stories, being brave when told how ridiculous it was. For standing up for yourself when you were being crushed by their beliefs. I am in awe of your strength through it all.
We’ll it is really sad and I just want to say that they did not dissever that and if that was me in that movie I would be so mad and I would soui them .it really mad me sad when glen die and I am happy for them to sriving I would have never mad it and I believe in god so god made me save I am a 11 and back than I would be mabe 8 or 5 it not nice what they did.
The documentary was so well done and touched my heart, soul and mind. One can hear and read about the schools through media, but the power of story is the one that best explains reality and makes connections to people. I am embarrassed by my white eurocentric-heritage and recognize that I am privileged through no effort of my own. It is my responsibility to speak out, to be non-judgmental and honour the First People of our nation. As a white Catholic I apologize for the legacy of my heritage and the generational harm that was done to all First Nations. I hope for healing to touch the aboriginal community.
I’m happy this film was made, I think every Canadian citizen should see this! You hear stories and learn things, but never anything to this magnitude.. Glen was a relative of mine.. Breaks my heart to know that my family went through this! My own grandma and great grandma, cousins, uncles and aunts.. It’s not right that people just blatantly disregard this and what happened.. People just point their fingers without trying to understand!! I don’t know what to say, other than, thank you, thank you for sharing your stories and openin up my eyes just a little more! I’m proud that glen spoke out and told his story, my grandma never spoke much about her time in residential school, I don’t thinkin could’ve handled it anyways… This film helped me understand a lot more than I did! I’m 26 years old and I can’t even begin to imagine life that way! I can’t even express the way I feel right now! My heart is broken, but I am proud that my family made it through, we may be a little messed up but I’m here and so is family, which helps a little more, I come from survivors, people who went through this and I am doin ok.. Makes me really think of all the struggles my grandparents and parents went through! All products of residential school.. This movie should be seen by children adults and all members of Canada.. Let’s quit judging and being hurtful, let’s learn from our past and start the healing!! My heart goes out to all residential school members and they’re families!! You will not go unheard
Today I saw what we went threw for many years also . Though I have forgiven those mean nuns, because there were some goods ones, who would play with us , but some were absolutely frustrated virgins, who should have never been a nun with children. It did bring up strong feelings today . and I still remember the hurts (of going to bed hungry) that was hard to watch. We stole bread because it was easier to steal.and we could put peanut butter from our lockers…( never got caught)PTL…
Today those schools are all closed. and why? if it was such a good education. and then have to live with caca on our hearts, even if weand I have forgiven the RC schools nuns and all. how can we forget ( out of our minds…)I feel sorry for those who will not forgive as I have meet some who will never forgive. I have told them “this will kill you,” you need to forgive if you want to be forgiven
Now I have to touch on another sensitive point, I am not Indian or aboriginal, I’m white and just as canadian as the next guy but I don’t qualify for a financial remuneration, (my parents sent there)
Now let me tell you another story I have had 1st nations fellow sitting in my chair telling me that he was also in a residential school and receiving $18,000 dollars AND telling his friends (WHO NEVER ATTENDED RED.
SCHOOLS) but were told what answers to say when asked, and they got $18,000 also , 6 of them never attended res school…the story has to be told.I submit to you today
I just watched We were children on TV , I was reduced to tears many times , my heart hurts for these victims . I am Irish , my husband is of aboriginal decent , this is a tragedy & unfortunately a story all to common behind closed doors of many boarding schools , the one I was sent to is now closed & 221 billion lawsuit against the school & its staff . Religion was there reasoning for many atrocities that occurred & were committed against so many innocent children including myself . I am now 48 & still many things haunt me from my time there . The government needs independent watch dogs to control these places “of education” & make sure these institutes are being run by people who are honest , compassionate , kind not cruel & really want to help children not send them back into the world with years of therapy to sort out what was done to them . Sincerely Tracey Whitfield.
i am not a survivor but i am a product of the residential school and because of what i went through i had suicidal tendancies for 25 years a little while before i became a daddy i realized a had alot to live for i did alot of healing and have realized that it was,nt my fault o’siyam chen kwen mantumi.
I just finished watching this powerful and moving story. So I think that the so called leader of the catholic religion with all his power and apparent godly strength, and of course money, should find it in his heart to appoligize to all the remaining living people and their families of residental schools. Someone from the catholic religion needs to be honest with the whole world. That YES children were treated like animals, fed food with worms in it, punished for speaking their own language, taken away from their parents at a young age, even raped….REALLY….The Pope needs to stand up to the plate, put his man pants on and says something on behalf of the catholic people.
My partner and I have just watched this movie on Netflix. We found it very moving. We’re happy that Glen got his story told to the whole world before his passing.
I am from Brazil and this also happened there with the local aboriginal community in the early 1500s. The Brazilian government has not expressed an apology yet and I think never will. The natives in my land are still struggling, but they continue fighting.
Thank you for the great movie!
Since the admn of this web page is working, noo hesitation very soon it
will be renowned, due to its quality contents.
My question is this…why did “any” church calling themselves Christian ( with Christianity being the so called one true religion or One true God according to the majority) become a part of this evil abuse of human beings ? We are not talking of one denomination here but quite a few ! What excuses could there possibly be for this and do they not read their own bible ?….no wait !.. They do and this is where they learn this stuff…from the OT the book of intolerance and abuses ! No one can plead” I am only human I made a mistake “etc…Looking at the History of the Christian church one can hardly make an excuse for them at all ! This would not be the very first time they were involved in such evil against human beings ! Seems to be a common practice with Christianity and they always seem to make some excuse or apology after ? Only to repeat same behavior ! I think the apologies are more from trying to excuse themselves or cover themselves up from any guilt but I hardly believe they are honest or truthful. Or trust worthy ! The best religions are the ones who always bare good fruit and this religion bare the worst fruit of all ! Shameful ! Worship the TRUE Creator of the world who is loving and kind…not some Christan God in a box invented by man !
Christianity is given way too much power over people and no wonder there will always be some form of abuse in this religion ! it is one of the most forceful religions in thew world !All one has to do is read the OT and see it is a bad religion ! My heart hurts so much for what was done to the Native American people by the Government and the Christian Churches ( plural)! May the TRUE Great Spirit..the True Creator help you heal and find peace….with much love to you all !
I watched the movie March 23, 2014 and found it very disgusting how a priest(s) could do this to innocent kids. This have happened a lot over the years and not only to aboriginals but also the Negro people and even white Canadians. It is sad but keep looking up and be proud of who you are because regardless of race or color, we are all human beings and nobody deserves to be treated like animals.
I just saw this film on APTN. It should be on all of the networks, particularly because this is the last week of the Truth and Reconciliation hearings. This film was so moving, and I am still crying an hour later. As a third-generation Canadian of European heritage, I want to say I am deeply, deeply sorry for the heinous wrongs that were committed by my ancestors and my people. I apologize, too, for our ignorance in not recognizing that the beauty of First Nations culture and spiritual teachings far surpassed the evil version of Christianity that was thrust upon the First Nations People. I am sorry for the suffering that has been passed down from generation to generation as a result of the abuse and alienation perpetrated by the residential school system, and for the deep emotional, physical and spiritual wounds inflicted. The abuse and suffering of the First Nations People is a national disgrace, and I am ashamed. I commend the filmmakers and Ms. Hart and Mr. Anaquod for speaking out and telling their stories, and I commend the First Nations People for preserving your rich culture and heritage despite the systemic attempts to annihilate it. I offer my humblest apologies and my prayers for profound healing of current and future generations.
I wanted to say I really agree with your comment..you said it well….The native American religion was so pure and honest..it is beautiful ! Not anything like the Christian religion that has way too much influence and power….and very forceful and a bad history to back it up !
I just finished watching this documentary ,and must say I have ran a gauntlet of emotions for the full thing . I cried and felt rage ,at the physical and sexual abuse these children suffered at the hands of these so called religious leaders .I cheered when the boys stood up for themselves and felt thier terror as they awaited their punishment after . I wanted to wrap my arms around little Lynn & Glen as well as the adults they’ve become now .I applauded the one kind nun who rescued young Glen from the prison he’d been kept in the basement ,and bathed him compassionately . Also as she led the girls on a midnight food raid .My own heart and compassion goes out to any of you that have suffered at the hands of these evil people .I can only imagine the feelings and emotions it has conjured up in each of you ,as just watching it caused me torment and grief .May the Creator watch over each of you and your families .
I am very interested in seeing this movie.. Where would I find it??
Hi Theresa,
You can rent or download the digital file on our website, or you can buy the DVD. Go here for all the options: https://www.nfb.ca/film/we_were_children
Alternately, you can inquire with your local public library to see whether they carry the film, and request them to do so if they don’t.
Thanks for your comment!
I am First Nations but I am one of those families whose parents did not attend Residential Schools, however I suspect my grandparents have and they don’t want to admit it. There is a lot of alcohol in my family and everyone dies young. My bf and I watched the film on Netflix the other night and WOW. I wanted to cry. We had to pause it and take a moment to BREATHE. My bf’s parents BOTH went to residential school, (as well as his grandparents, here on Van. Island), and like so many others, his family suffers but don’t talk about. So after watching the Film, my Bf started asking questions, we had a conversation about our families, his family history and he now understands WHY there is so much drug/alcohol abuse so present in his family, as well as others. Because Like I said, no one talks about it. I feel so emotional just thinking about the film, and I want to thank Lyna and Glen for sharing. I want to say how tough it must of been for the actors, thanks to everyone involved. HISWKE’
the harper government went through the motions to look good to the world to this day he is the leader of a ruling party that love to fight native peoples
I am so incredibly sorry for this suffering. I cannot imagine how ANYONE could have made the decision that children were better off away from their families. I cannot imagine how horribly sad these children and their families were. I cannot even fathom that it went on for so long. God bless you all who suffered and are still suffering. xo
while I did not attend residential school, I attended federal day school in my community, I endured same treatment, stripped of my language, strapped for speaking it, made to stand in a corner as an example of a bad child because I was native. Punished by made to hold up my hands for hours for another child’s action, strapped with hard rubber for speaking my language and not allowed to go to the washroom as a result I peed in my pants. while I have many more stories to tell ..this is only part of my story.. I was not compensated because I did not attend residential school, but I endured the same harsh abuse and treatment…
Thank you for sharing this. I am of aboriginal heritage and from a country a lot like yours, a commonwealth country, A large country, an ’empty’ country according to white settlers, nothing but animals. In Australia Aboriginal people were regulated as part of the fauna.
It is sickening to find that our stolen generation was being perpetuated by the same organizations, in the same ways, so far away. That the English colonies had in common their passion for genocide, a far more effective genocide than ever practiced by Nazis. Entire nations wiped out, languages forgotten, cultures just gone. Not by accident, or negligence, but by the concerted and highly organized effort over generations, a cultural war against us by the invaders, which they could not finish even when they won – they had our lands and our bodies – they needed our minds too.
Thank you for chronicling, thank you for efforts to keep some of our cultures alive, cultures that far predate Jesus, god of hatred and bigotry, god of war and genocide, god of oppression and uniformity.
Blessings and solidarity to my brothers in in the group of nations the English named Canada.
PS @Jim – the individuals that committed these crimes should pay, organizations that instructed and enabled these crimes should pay, but most of all the organization that gave them the mandate to commit genocide with impugn should pay – that last organization is the Commonwealth. Every hand should be held accountable.
You have also profited from their stolen lands, surely it is not that bad to be asked to give something back?
I agree, all those that were party to these atrocities should pay and most of all the organization that gave the mandate for without that it is impossible to know if any of it would have happened in the first place. Yes, the churches should pay but so too should the Canadian taxpayer, and possibly even the British crown.
Jim Bathie,
Do you believe Anne Frank is rotting in hell?
Roman Catholics aren’t allowed to believe that.
But many Christians do.
Bull shit Serena. Christians do not believe your fairy tale. Why should she rot in hell? because she chose to live instead of dying?
If you are interested in a song written to encourage and liberate those who are abused, victims, pls notify me. EAGLE Productions produced WE WERE CHILDREN.
The song is called EAGLE by Lynn A. Fields. It is amazing and will bolster you up, help and nurture you.
verse: “be still my fears, the chance to speak is here at last.”
Tell me if you need this song: jdevorah@aol.com
I’ve just finished watching this film and I’m full of a number of emotions. A copy was offered to me by the son of one of the cast members and I am to return it tomorrow.
During the film I cried more than once. As a Christian I cannot fathom the hatred in the hearts of ‘people of the cloth’ as they call themselves doing what they did. And from what I read here it seems many more are gaining courage and will be coming forward as well. I hope and pray that it’s even a tiny bit healing to them and assists in removing even a part of the burdens they’ve carried since childhood. To have lost their youth in the hands of tyrants is a loss that can never be recouped. I am so sorry I live in a world that can do these things to a child.
That being said I am taken back that as an adult and taxpayer in Manitoba, that I assisted in carrying the financial burden of compensating the surviving adults and their families. According to Stephen Harper’s apology to the Speaker of the House of Commons, the mandate for the entities housing and teaching the aboriginal children was to teach them English and indoctrinate them into what was considered a better way of life. Please don’t get me wrong in thinking that I don’t believe compensation was due. I think it is and believe much more should be paid to First Nations people for the inhumane way they have been and perhaps still are being treated. I just believe the pocket the money came out of was not the right pocket.
Perhaps what some legal teams representing survivors and their families should do is file law suits against the entities that were given mandates to teach and nurture and instead abused. Why not make the people directly responsible for the wrongdoings pay? Why make current taxpayers bear this burden? Make the Churches pay, then pay back the taxpayer what has been paid from those suits. Use the remainder (because the law suits should be for hundreds of millions or billions of dollars) of the funds to enhance the living conditions of many reserves across Canada.
So, if this even gets posted to your site I expect a flurry of naysayers to hit me with negative comments. But I’ll ask that everyone that might consider comment to think about who really is the culprit in this situation. Who really treated these innocent children abusively? The Government made a decision albeit a very poor one. But they didn’t rape, starve, and sometimes torture anyone. At least not from any information this film and two direct recipients clearly showed. In this film everything appeared to be at the hands of the Catholic Church.
Again, after watching this movie it shames me to think specifically how the Catholic Corporation as I refer to them as treated, and continues to treat children. They need to be charged, convicted and imprisoned for their crimes. And the Churches need to pay!
P.S. I’m sending this note to my MP in Ottawa and to the Justice Minister as well.
Jim, from what I’ve researched, it was not only the Catholic Church; it was also some of the Protestant denominations. And I’d agree with you that the churches that fostered and permitted this disgusting, unspeakable horror should be the entities that pay the actual costs of the reparations. And if any of the individuals still live who committed the crimes, they should be charged and imprisoned just as any other criminal.
Good for you
I loved this presentation as there was no pretense – just the facts – just the truth – no embellishment .. I offer my own apology to First Nations for the way children were treated .. I, personally, never taught Indian children but did teach in Kitimat and Terrace in 1964 to 1966 and in 1972 to 1976, respectively .. during this time, there was an Indian residential school at Lejac (spelling), B.C. and I did visit there two or three times and saw nothing amiss .. unfortunately, we were ignorant of the goings on at residential schools which may or may not have included Lejac .. like the nun who was surprised at the hunger the girls were experiencing and who remedied the situation at least once, I and other teachers were unaware of problems that existed .. we were blindly and deafly trusting that nothing horrendous would happen at the hands of priests and nuns .. how wrong we were .. I did teach Grade 7 Math. for a couple of months to a class of half Caucasian half Indian students .. once I understood how the Indian students behaved, I was better able to work “with” them and I fully appreciated their straightforwardness in how they acted – again, no pretense or games but more tell it as it is for better or worse ..
This was a powerful and moving documentary and it did a wonderful job of telling the story of residential schools. I hope that there will be follow-up documentaries about how this system led to the breakdown of family life in so many First Nation families and that it will show exactly why native parents had no clue how to nurture and raise their children after facing the residential school experience. It seems that very often, horrible atrocities are committed under the auspices of “working in god’s name”; that people use that excuse to do things that are cruel and ungodly to their fellow man. We must all guard against allowing extremists of any religion, race or culture to persecute their fellow man in “the name of god”. God is not cruel or unjust or unloving. Those who do horrible things and try to say they are doing it in god’s name are the true evil ones and we must make sure that the true love of god prevents these cruelties from happening. By hearing the true stories like those in “we were children” we learn how these evil ones gained and held power; and this knowledge will help us prevent such horror from happening again.
My mushom went to the lebret residential school when he was younger along with my grandma and most of my family my Mushom is is his 70’s now I just finished watching your film
First time watching We Were Children. I am so mad, and completely upset. Never had I cried that much with such anger and fear. I was shaking, and the image of what happened to our people is engraved in my mind now. Changes my perspective on a lot of things. It’s a dark past, and I realize now, that more than ever who I am as a First Nations person. I am a proud Cree woman, who is no longer afraid to stand up for our people. Never, should children ever see what happened, in the schools. Never again, should anyone experience that kind of abuse. So much rape happened in that system, and I didn’t know about any of it until I came to university. Before I came to university, I was blind to my own culture and peoples past. After writing numerous research papers on the residential school systems, I understand and have empathy on everyone. My heart is for our people, and our culture. We are amazing people as First Nations people. My goal now is to raise awareness of who we are, and where we have come from for future generations, so our traditions won’t die. So our grandchildren will know who they are, so they will hold their heads up as proud First Nations people. Our children are our future.
I am a Christian who just watched the show. It mostly made me angry that our country would do such an despicable act on other people, yes people, Not savages. I think everyone involved in this terrible act whether alive or dead, should be dug up out of their graves and put in one of these schools and set on fire. If hell doesn’t burn them, we should. In fact any standing residential school should be burned to the ground.
I just finished watching this film. I am not an Aboriginal person . I am Christian, but not Roman Catholic, and when Glen said, “I don’t know what kind of God they have” , I was thinking the same thing! My God abhors that kind of behavior. For these courageous people to have the strength to come forward and relive their pain all over again is amazing. I applaud them for that! And I am deeply grieved not only that this happened, but that it happened through people who were supposed to be representing Christ. They have, in essence, dragged His name through the mud. I am so very, very, sorry for all the families involved. My heart goes out to you all.
hi i just watched this show on utube….i did not realize it is for rent or for sale and i shared it on facebook. It was posted on utube by the niagra cas..figures….i am going to try to contact you so you can ask utube to take it down….
Hi my name is Jessica an I am a high school student at Saunders Secondary, my natives studies class watched this movie in class and it really had an effect on each and every one of us. Prior to this our class had a Residential School Awareness fair where classes from our school would come to our class and we would present to them our knowledge on Residential Schools in respect to all the survivors. We were a big hit. It made us feel empowered and have pride to be telling the story of these schools to none native students. We plan to have another this week and showing clippings of this documentary at it. We would just hope that many others schools can have the opportunity to do something like what we are doing.
It saddens me that people accuse Aboriginals of lying about their stories and saying it’s an excuse to spend tax payers dollars. However, the a large majority of white people in Canada are on welfare, same with every other race. It’s not just Aboriginal people regardless of “it’s the past”.
These children lived it, not you (White People). Now ask yourself, instead of judging whats your life worth? Your complaining about the little bit of money you pay in taxes? Yet these children lost there youth and some lost their lives. Let me ask you again? What’s your life worth or your child’s life? Certainly not work that little bit of taxes you pay the Government. So I suggest before you have an opinion you rethink what you say. One day you will be judged!
My partner and I just watched this incredible film on APTN, we had missed the original showing but had PVR’d it. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone involved in the making of this film, it is as powerful as it is sad. This story, in all of its honesty and brutality and resilience, needs to be told to every canadian. I didn’t hear about residential schools until University, and that is absolutely unacceptable. Thank you again.
I’m glad that stories of Residential Schools are being brought to the forefront now. Even though we are able to to share in the stories, nothing will ever compare to what First Nations people have had to live through. How’aa – Thank you to the brave souls for sharing and creating something that will bring understanding to the world.
To Lisa Meeches,
Out west APTN is on channel 58. It is by passed by many people. The reality is that any channel beyond 35 is missed. I did not know “We Were Children” was going to air and by chance I saw it on Facebook. Their are alot of people that did not see it and were unawre of it. Is there any chance the Film will be aired on Global and CTV National channels? preferably mid week right after the news…6 or 7pm?
I am First Nations and I admit that I by pass APTN, not out of anything other than its on channel 58. Most of the action is between Channels 5 and 35 out west. After that most skip beyond channels 58 if you have direct TV and surf the movie networks that are played at higher channels than 58.
I don’t know if that made any sense, but I’m just giving feedback from many people including myself.
Thank you
I wish that other stations showed this documentary. Was CTV, CBS, Global approached? If so, what was their reaction? I hope it reaches more than just the First Nations, Metis, Inuit, communities. The whole of Canada and the world needs to know what the survivors went through. It is definitely a heart wrenching, powerful documentary.
We need to realize what the trials and tribulations they went through in order to truly understand what a lot of the strong survivors overcame!!!! <3 and Respect. It was not an easy task to film this and as Glen said, I too am glad he was able to tell his story!!!
Hi: APTN is the broadcaster for this film, and there are no plans right now for other TV networks. However, I believe APTN offers catch-up streaming on their website.
My father went through that situation , I can’t image what happen to him. I cried when I saw this video, and my grandmother went one of those schools. It breaks my heart seeing this video, especially for those people when those residential schools. But i am glad my grandmother and father are still here and also my mother, my mother didn’t went to residential school. But i am happy that their here today!
i have never had lost , but my love of life, my sarah, christmas or 1997, i had to come home, where i never wanted to be, because i needed to be home, i was taught never leave my brother or sister alone, and i never did, my gran was german and native, my mothers side is jap and native, i cant be here, i live in 2013
how can a second generation survivor handle what my parents went through ????????
I watched this moving account of survival, at times my mouth agape at the horror and injustice. I am seventh generation Metis. My mother’s family was from the prairies in Manitoba. Her father married into a family with non-indigenous roots. My mother’s maternal grandmother ordered that my mother and her older brother be put in a residential school – they were just too dark for her liking. My mother told me that she climbed on top of the woodshed to escape the clutches of her grandmother and mother as they sought to have them sent away before her father returned from town. Her brother ran and hid in the woods. Mom told us that her father finally returned and could hear the brouhaha for miles he said. He was furious and forbade his mother-in-law to return to his home. I never thought much about her stories of what the ‘Indians’ were subjected to back in the day (early turn of the 20th century), but that story always stayed with me. Now, I am in my 60’s and revel in the dark-eyed grandchildren I have been blessed with. My father was a Brit, emigrating early in the 1900’s and was fascinated by the dark hair and dark-eys my mother possessed. He being ginger-haired and blue-eyed, he loved the contrast. He disowned his family when his mother and us kids were call a vile name. He had no predudice in him and was fair minded to all. I loved my dad for teaching us that.
When I saw those dear we kiddies treated so badly, I cried. I wished to take their pain away. I can only hope to save my fellow man from further injustices. My dad always said, ‘be strong and face whatever comes you way head-on, stand-up not just for yourself but for the one who comes behind you who may be weaker and not as strong.’
Keep on going with the path you have taken, starting with ‘We Were Children’; there are more people to heal.
Such wonderful and truthful comments. Hi folks, my name is Lisa Meeches, I am We Were Children’s Executive Producer. I had many family members attend residential school as well. I keep all of our survivors close to me, especially those who left this world never having the opportunity to share their testimony. We were so blessed to have Lyna and Glen share their testimonies. Thank you for watching our film.
Thank you for making this film. I hope it is shown in every school across the country for years to come. We need a generation of people to know this history to ensure the right changes are made so we can heal as a country and grow in appreciation for our different traditions and cultures.
I watched “we were children” last night and it brought me to tears. Words cannot describe the feelings of anger and sadness I felt. I commend those survivors who had the courage to come forward and tell their stories and I thank all those involved putting this film together for Canadians to see. My hope is this will become much larger and educated people and countries on a global scale. The world needs to know what happen to our people. 7 generation’s were stolen from us. When you desecrate a culture, a language and tradition you demolish the very foundation of a human being. I am out west and I would like to see this film on the prime time channels and networks. My hope is that the producers of this film will get into the larger networks where they team up with the Spielberg’s of the world and make a film where the world can see and understand why we as Aboriginal people have struggled all these years. All people need to hear the truth and facts about what happened in these Schools. This isn’t about money, fame or fortune. It’s about telling the survivor’s stories and how it has affected families, friends and communities generations later. It’s about those children that didn’t make it out of the schools alive and those survivors that died in silence and the survivors that are with us today. Let’s be a voice together and help all those who survived and are affected today, be heard. As the producer stated we are only scratching the surface we need to dig deeper and get below the surface and tell these stories as it happen. As hard as it maybe, the citizens of Canada need to know just how devastating the unthinkable, shameful and disgusting acts that were bestowed upon the children in these schools. If the Jewish, Polish and Chinese communities of the world can bring their stories to life of what happen to their people and culture, so can Aboriginal peoples of Canada. This needs to be in our schools where our young people can learn of the history of what happen to our people, it’s imperative. Thousands of our people are still trying to heal and are suffering in silence. If we do not deal with what has happen to our families, friends and communities, than the next 2-3 generations will still be suffering from the effects of the Residential School system. Aboriginal people are front and centre for the first time in Canadian history; we are getting stronger and becoming the drivers of our own future through education, training and jobs. The survivors are sharing their stories, helping us to be proud of whom we are, so that we can heal as First Peoples of Canada and heal as a Nation. I am so very proud of all those involved in the making of “We Were Children” Thank you to all the survivors, their families and friends. Thank you from the bottom of my heart you are opening the eyes of a nation and started the healing process of so many Aboriginal communities across Canada.
Hello Chris, I gotta say, I really agree with everything you said.I been doing deep research about child abuse I decide to open a movement to mainly educate people about this issues. I been living in Canada for 16 years and I never knew this part of history until now. Like me, many people don’t know it and our ignorance have kept this abuse happening until this day. I recently open a page in facebook called: Global Children Rights. I invite you to join it and perhaps participate in contribuing your thoughts. Because this organization is so new information there is still very little but hopefully with people like you we can ad the numbers and make this movement big enough to be heard and understood by our modern society.
Thank you and for more information you can e-mail me at penelopecov@gmail.com
I’d also like to acknowledge those who were sent to Indian day schools or were sent away to boarding homes they suffered abuse from teachers and the homes they were placed in….my mother and her siblings were all sent away to live in homes of strangers….most of whom didn’t have their best intrest at heart but just wanted the Government funding I’m sure they were given. In these homes my mother told of how she was abused made to feel like she was nothing neglected monitored when it came to food…they were not happy and of course in they end their education was robbed of them because they could no longer put up with the abuse they suffered.
Where we live here in hazelton, bc there are allot of survivors, that endured similar abuse, I recall reading in the interior news paper how one child had to assist in burial of children who were murdered. He was Gitxsan. It hurts to know that I too have grandparents, and a parent who also went to these church run hell on earth places! It has affected us all even though we didnt go to residential schools! My grandmother physically abused me and her own children who also abused nephews of the family. abused alcohol, strange men were creeping around our rooms at night while she was partying and drunk! SO I firmly believe that it still has its ripple effect! THanks to them trying to kill the indian in the child! Fuck them! they sure suceeded in what they wanted to do! I was hurt angry, remembering the abuse like it was me in there! My gran went through hell! Today I still am angry! I was sexually raped as a child, beaten! All because those fucks did what they did to MY GRAN! One thing I am thinking is NOW its tIME to forgive! My gran for all the abuse! No WONDER! Also THINK ALL people who are ignorant of hte facts of residential schools! watch it and then make snide comments of first nations people! THose kids were to be protected. they WERE NOT protected. They were slaves! Makes me think of how, black people were treated as well as the jews! We were treated no FUCKING different! Supremisists! hidden holocaust! Just like LYNA said it was!
Well said ,i too attended residential and the pain,hurt loneliness ,humility,the whippins all waited for me when i got home for the holidays. The pain my parents and grandparents ,aunts and uncles went through had been taken out on me once again. I felt the pain all over as i watched the show.
Hello TJ, first of all, I feel deeply sorry for what have you lived.Based in a deep research about child abuse I decide to open a movement to mainly educate people about this issues. I been living in Canada for 16 years and I never knew this part of history until now. Like me, many people don’t know it and our ignorance have kept this abuse happening until this day. I recently open a page in facebook called: Global Children Rights. I invite you to join it and perhaps participate in sharing your story. Because this organization is so new information there is still very little but hopefully with people like you we can ad the numbers and make this movement gig enough to be heard and understood by our modern society.
Thank you and for more information you can e-mail me at penelopecov@gmail.com
Our family watched this on APTN on March 19th, 2013. My youngest son was heartbroken watching it. With tears in his eyes, he wanted to punch out the bad guys and then broke down needing a hug. The abuse makes me want to vomit to say the least. I was shocked to find out that the last residential school closed in only 1996. I thought they had all closed down in the 80s.
There was a line in the movie that talked about children growing up not knowing how to be parents. That in itself will affect several generations let alone losing language and traditions. It was news to me, reading on the blog here, that this happened for 7 generations. I thought 1, maybe 2 generations. So true about the “intergenerational impact”. I never understood why the legacy haunts this generation until I saw the movie.
In a more general application, the way the United Nations talks about family is frightening. The United Nations position of wanting children out of parents care and into school as early as possible reflects a similar kind of ideology that the residential school philosophy had – that parents and culture are the enemy. Hopefully one of the ‘lessons to take home’ from this is how important family, tradition, and parental teaching and protection is to the well-being of children and to put the brakes on anyone who tries to take parental rights away.
May we all figure out how to be good to one another and thrive.
My daughter watched it too….I was sort of reluctant but I felt it was important for her to know…..she too cried was angered and had many questions…..I had to tell her it was ok to feel angered but to not carry it with her because things for this generation I hope have changed. The best way I explained it to her on why this happened was land they only wanted our land and didn’t want the newer generation to put up a fight so they opted to control them and they did it in a way so that they appeared to be helpfull but really didn’t care! Some may disagree but seeing and hearing of the abuse what other reason would it have been….once they released the children what happened there after is probably what they had hoped to happen! They would not have done that to non-natives if it was really something they believed to be of good intentions!
In my younger years I remember feeling ashamed of my identity as an aboriginal person. It wasn’t until I started learning about the residential school system and what my people went through that I starting understanding why I felt the way I did. And I had no reason to be feeling this way. It pains me to hear the stories, but they have to be told. Even though I didn’t directly endear any of the abuse and pain, I feel it.
Today I can honestly say I’m proud to be a First Nation person and I’m proud of my people.
YES! Be proud. You have every reason to be.
I want to thank Lyna and the Late Glen for having the courage to voice their pain to bring these horrid atrocities to light. The depth of the damage caused is almost unfathomable – generations lost. While I wish this horrible chapter in our history had never happened, it is impossible to turn back the hands of time. This docu-drama has opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart and provided me with a perspective on the depth of the profound healing that is needed. May we all move forward with love, humility, and forgiveness. To all of those affected, please know that your voice is being heard. Those words are helping to educate, to bring the truth to light, and compelling us to reach out to right the wrongs. Your stories have touched me very deeply and I want to thank you for taking the steps needed to begin the healing. I have always thought that all of our lives would be in a better place had my ancestors been educated by the indigenous peoples of this beautiful country. I am listening, and learning. I encourage everyone to participate in this process with an open heart and mind. To those in pain, with hidden sorrows, be well. You are not alone.
My mother, aunt and uncles are all survivors of these so called CHRISTIAN residential schools. I am living in the United States and was trying to find someone to record this and send it to me. My sister face booked me and asked me to promise I would NEVER watch it. She knows the anger I have had over the years. I worship God in my own way and do not to this day trust any kind of church.
“We Were Children” made me sob many times I was completely heartbroken …..the cruelty they endured by the hands of “God Loving People” was unbelievable cruelty……is it that they thought we were less than human to think it was okay to inflict such harm dehumanize starve abuse for sexual pleasure….did they really think that in their Gods eyes what happened was allowable on our race because in their eyes they saw nothing but “Savages”. 1996 was the last Residential school…..its no wonder this day an age that seed of thought still lingers in the minds of those who think they are better than………… I pray that that seed of Evil is gone from our race all that they planted the hurt the pain the suffarage and most of all the hate!
I watched this documentary and I was hoping to post it on my facebook, as I think it should be opened up to as many people who are willing to watch. Unfortunately I could not find the whole thing online, is there anyway to get this movie spread out more?
Hi Ellahae: We hope to be able to stream it at some point in the near future. If you check back tomorrow, it should be available as a digital download tomorrow, here: http://www.nfb.ca/film/we_were_children. In addition, I believe APTN is doing catch up streaming on their site.
wow…my comment is awaiting moderation…like i said.
Hi I too just finished watching the documentary, I am a survivor in that my 5 older siblings went to AIRS, I have watched and experienced our family dynamics. To put it plain and simple…well it really fucked up our family. Now 3 of my older siblings have passed on sad to say,but at least they are not feeling any pain anymore. Why so much hate and racism from the people in power?The white man is the one who put their courts and made the laws, so i ask this…why is it that we the aboriginal people are still being treated like children,like we don’t have brains?You know where our so-called court was held, in a bloody hotel, we don’t even rate to have our case in a proper courtroom, when are you gonna treat us as First Peoples?If i sound mad, yes i am, i just lost my sister Flo on Feb. 13.Do me and the country a favor and quit showing just the successful cases, there are so many survivors out there still hurting, on skidrow, you have no idea.My mom doesn’t want to relive her experience in the residential school just so u can make your books or films for Canada to get rich off of it, she said you have my money, you can keep it!She is elderly and has been thru a lot.Shame on you Canada!You can publish this or u don’t have to, lets see what you do,you can do what u want, the government always has its way.
i just finished watching this documentary…its hard to describe the range of emotions i went through (tears were a huge part – so much emotion that i even considered calling the help line number!)…i am ashamed of how canadians treated these children…no amount of apologizing or financial compensation can ever make up for the atroscities (sp?) committed …i am amazed at the strength of the survivors who have come forward with their stories…i wish that more was taught about the residential schools so that our children can maybe learn from our fathers and grandfathers ignorance and mistakes…
I searched your site and I did find an address..sorry I didn’t see it right away.
I could not imagine what my mother had gone through in a residental school, she had shared some stories with me, just afew, but I was in tears after I watched your documentary, I was wondering how, one can obtain records of these schools to find some information about my mother and how long she was there, I’m happy to say that I can understand my native language because when our mother left there she refused to speak the other laguages.
Good for her for protecting your native language and for passing it on to you. My heart breaks when I think about what she and all the other children went through. Be proud of who you are and where you come from. I hope your mother’s heart has been able to heal.
I am not Aboriginal but grew up in the Catholic Church in Canada in the same era as Lyna. I identify strongly with much of the film ‘We Were Children’ and I find the stories completely believable, whilst appreciating that this documentary can cover only a fraction of the whole story.
I hope that this is only the beginning of a public education and discussion around this problem. The Aboriginal community has managed to bring this subject into the public forum in a way that has never been achieved before. Well done! I look forward to the next chapter.
Hi! Just watched most of the documentary, but missed the first 1/2 hour. Very powerful. Made me want to cry, scream, and do all sorts of things. It made me so ashamed of what was done to Aboriginal children. According to the “movie” (I hate to call it that), Lyna Hart graduated from a Residential School, or at least she left in her teens. I recall when I was in grade 10 at Westwood Collegiate in Winnipeg, there was a person named Lyna Hart (or a name close to it) who attended school with us. She was definitely Aboriginal. She would sign her name with her first name and then draw a heart. I wonder if it the same person or someone else.
Watched “We were children” and brought back memories about AIRS in Port Alberni BC I think there needs to be more of these stories told. True books need to be published about the schools and they shouldn’t be watered down by anyone. We were sexually abused in those schools and nobody believed us.
Hello Jack, first of all, I feel deeply sorry for what have you lived. Based in a deep research about child abuse I decide to open a movement to mainly educate people about this issues. I been living in Canada for 16 years and I never knew this part of history until now. Like me, many people don’t know it and our ignorance have kept this abuse happening until this day. I recently open a page in facebook called: Global Children Rights. I invite you to join it and perhaps participate in sharing your story. Because this organization is so new information there is still very little but hopefully with people like you we can ad the numbers and make this movement gig enough to be heard and understood by our modern society.
Thank you and for more information you can e-mail me at penelopecov@gmail.com
I believe you! So sorry for all that you went thur. I belive you!
Thank you so much for publishing their stories. I cant believe the truth behind the lies that went on in these schools. It makes me soo angry to hear the treatment of these babies was considered acceptable. Its HORRIBLE ! I cant imagine being one of the children or even a survivor. I have nothing but respect and condolences to everyone who ever had to deal with this. I hope survivors find peace and not stop finding their true Indian voices . Raise them up and let them be heard !
Hi , just watch the show it has upseting to see. Many thanks to all that made this film, please do more with each nation …masi for excellent work many love to the childen of residential school ..very movin
this movie brought out alot of memories of when i was in residential school most of it is still hidden in the back of my mind its a horrible experience for any child to go through im a survivor of that and i am what i am today because of that,,, i learned to survive and still surviving
Hello Elizabeth, first of all, I feel deeply sorry for what have you lived.Based in a deep research about child abuse I decide to open a movement to mainly educate people about this issues. I been living in Canada for 16 years and I never knew this part of history until now. Like me, many people don’t know it and our ignorance have kept this abuse happening until this day. I recently open a page in facebook called: Global Children Rights. I invite you to join it and perhaps participate in sharing your story. Because this organization is so new information there is still very little but hopefully with people like you we can ad the numbers and make this movement gig enough to be heard and understood by our modern society.
Thank you and for more information you can e-mail me at penelopecov@gmail.com
My Name is Eric. I am non-aboriginal. I am a Christian, but not a Roman Catholic. As I watched “We Were Children” tonight, I was deeply disturbed by what these innocent children suffered at the hands of people who called themselves representatives of God. They may have been teaching truths from the Bible, but they were monsters and definitely not representatives of God. I am glad that more and more RC pedophile priests such as these are being exposed. My God is a God of compassion, Who loves all people the same and hates the kind of evil these people carried out. Many times I had to wipe tears from my eyes as I watched this program. The Canadian government indeed failed the aboriginal people. Prime Minister Diefenbaker and Prime Minister Pearson did not do their job to protect all peoples of Canada. As a child and a youth I experienced sexual abuse at the hands of an adult male. You are wonderful, strong people. Lyna and Glen are heroes to me and I am glad they were able to tell their story. As a non-aboriginal Canadian I want to apologize to all the students of these residential schools, who suffered such abuse and had no one who would listen or help them. I do believe that Prime Minister sincerely meant what he had to say in his public apologize and I am glad the government has owned to their past shortcomings in regards to the children in these schools. God Bless you each one.
Yes indeed! me too!
i am glad that the truth is comming out .it will be a great impack on todais sociaty and make them see the outher side of the medal and finally break the steriotype that they have about aborigial peaple.the truth is the most powerful weapon to use.
Frank I saw this movie also and the testimonies I noticed that
there is a Frank Fournier, that caught my eye……
Are you the same “Fk Fnr” on 3ABN SATELLITE, evangelist ??? if so I do
enjoy your ministry. and hjave some of your DVD’S…
Bon soir et j’espere que tu me repond joseph
I just viewed the movie on APTN; my heart is soooo grieved in sorrow.
When I was only 16, I worked as a helper in a Montreal adoption center called Crèche d’Youville (Grey nuns). One time a little boy got a beating for stealing 1 cookie! It was as though the nun made me believe that this was ok for such a behavior.
There has to be something very wicked in the Roman religion; my only comfort is knowing that most of these bastards and bitches died and went to Hell.
I`m just plain angry at this institution and have no respect for them at all.
What I cannot comprehend is that there are still many Natives in that damned religion.
It is not the religion. Roman Catholicism, practiced as it is supposed to be practiced, is very beautiful and holy and leads one to closeness with Jesus. Unfortunately, there are those who twist it to suit their own dark purposes. I am deeply grieved by what happened at these schools, deeply grieved by the suffering that still goes on, and now that I know about this, I will pray for healing and reconciliation. What grieves me most, though, is the twisted view of Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular that survivors, their families, and observers wind up with because of their experiences at these schools. Because of this abuse, it is that much harder to tell them that Jesus loves them. They reject Him because all they have seen of His church is a twisted and gruesome parody fashioned in Hell. They have never seen the real thing as it is supposed to be. And because they have learned to distrust the church, they miss out on real healing of their souls and a life of joy with their Savior. Those that perpetrated such abuse will certainly answer to God for it, and most of all, they will answer to Him for the spiritual damage they inflicted.
So sorry!! black mark to say the least! but the horror of the children and the distorted view of God That was perpetuated by evil more then misguided people. They will have to account to god for what they have done but also what they have said and tried to indoctrinate. Not at all what scripture teaches! The horror that the kids went thur….They were Children to be loved cherish and cared for not misused and abused and indoctrinated There culture and nationality to be honored loved and shared so we both could learn. How very sad that this was not done. How sad that their parents were not aloud to be parents and share there culture with Canada. Canada should be that little village, not a place for such awful things. We all miss out in what could have been. I truly am grieve at all that my parents and forefathers allow to happen and perpetuated, I am so sorry.
Please don’t make excuses and try to somehow lessen the crimes these churches committed on these people. Believe what you wish but don’t shove what you believe on someone else, especially victims of your own religion. I grew up with the Roman catholic brainwashing control and power. We were raised to fear God and were guilted into obedience. We lived in poverty but always had money for the collection plate. But I believe there is a God and one day this will all be made right.
Jackie, if you read above, there were more denominations responsible than the Catholic religion!! The children were being schooled by many religious Orders; The Anglican Church of Canada, The United Church of Canada, The Presbyterian Church of Canada as well as The Catholic Church of Canada.
I have a very good idea of how the church and governments trained the people they needed to work in the residential schools. I was targeted early in life wen I was sent to an orphanage in Levis at the age of seven. There, I was sexually abused, tortured and suffered generally speaking, the same fate as was reserved for native children in residential schools. During that time, I witnessed the murder of one of my friends. At the age of 15, I was sent to a seminary to be trained to become a priest. I only stayed a couple of months there, told them this was not for me and left to go live with relatives, eventually returning to live with my father in montreal. At the age of 30, I undertook a therapy to find out why I was so prone to violent behavior and to deal with sexual problems.
I sat in healing circles with Elders and listened to the victims of the residential schools. I then asked myself how did the churches and the government find people willing to do this kind of work. Looking at my life experience it was easy to see that the way I was treated would have made me a prime candidate for that kind of work. Unfortunately, those who survived the abuse of residential schools were also able and , in many cases are doing the same thing in their communities.
To all those who want this cycle of violence to end, isolating women and children from abuse is a first step. Treatment for the abusers is a must and they should not be allowed back in the community before they have completed their treatment.
I personally spent several thousand dollars in treatment and I still have to be carful of my behavior.
The main objective of the empire is to transmit adrenaline and sexual endorphin addiction to as many people as possible and use fear, an adrenalin producing condition, as a means to achieve their goals.
The victims of the residential schools need to know about this so they understand and are finally able to forgive and take care of the psychological problems that resulted from the abuse they had to endure. They then will be able to help others still suffering from that.
As for myself, I decided that the best way to stay out of trouble was to live alone so no one would have to ever forgive me for my problems. Remember, we are dealing with addictions and just as you would not offer a job to a recovering alcoholic in a bar, those addicted to violence and sexual abuse should not be living with others if they want to stay out of trouble.
This is serious business and should not be taken lightly. It is far too easy to get in trouble when you have an addiction of any kind.
Hello Gaston. Thank you for sharing your story. I am happy that stories like this are coming out to light but sad at the same time to see how long people has taken to speak out. I am organizing an advocacy group in which people like yourself and me brainstorm ideas to educate people in this issues. Abusers are still out there and children all over the world are still living what you and many others lived in the past. They don’t have anybody to defend them and that’s is why I am advocating to not only defend their rights but o educate our society, especially parents and teachers so at least we make this world a little better while we are here.
If you are interested in participate please contact me at: penelopecov@gmail.com
Missed the screening in Winnipeg, where can I find this film?
Hi Jessica: You can contact the marketing manager, Leslie at l.stafford@nfb.ca for screening locations and dates.
Thank you
Hi I am the President of the UofA Aboriginal Student Group and would be interested in hosting one of the We Were Children film dates, thanks, contact me at ggallagh@ualberta.ca
Hello Gail. I work at the U of A as well, and please let me know if you make any progress on getting this film shown on campus. Not only can I help promote it via many channels, but I can also connect you to a grant program to potentially fund it. Email me at lisa.dockman@gmail.com.
Hi Gail: If you want to book the film, please contact the marketing manager, Leslie Stafford, at l.stafford@nfb.ca. She’ll be able to help you out.
Hi, is there another email address, this one says it’s invalid in my email. Or is the issue of because I’m emailing from the U.S.?
ohhh you weent tuguy
Tapway mamma scatch inigook kamutchywitt ottuyu meow!