The 2015 Canada Day Challenge has begun!
The 2015 Canada Day Challenge has begun!
Youth from every region of the country are once again invited to take up the Canada Day Challenge.
In 2015, Canada will celebrate the 200th birthday of Sir John A. Macdonald, Canada’s first Prime Minister, and the 50th anniversary of the National Flag of Canada. Drawing inspiration from these events, youth can participate in the 2015 Canada Day Challenge by submitting their creations in three exciting categories: Draw it!, Snap it! and Write it! There will be a total of nine finalists selected―three from each category. Three finalists will also be selected as the National Winners to represent each category as part of winning posters for Celebrate Canada.
Get ready to pack your bags for an unforgettable, all-expenses-paid adventure in the Nation’s Capital Region!
This year, nine grand prize trips for two to Ottawa will be awarded: finalists and their family members will get the chance to attend Canada Day 2015 celebrations, receive VIP access to exciting places, and meet some of Canada’s most inspiring personalities. They’ll also tour museums, galleries, and so much more!
Lights! Camera! Action!
Finalists will also have the opportunity to work with the NFB‘s amazingly talented team of Education Specialists, who will help them create their very own short films about their adventures in Ottawa.
Educators: share the enthusiastic testimonials and short films by last year’s winners with your students, and ask them to come up with ideas for their own works. They can take up the challenge as of January 1; the contest ends on March 21. Please visit the Canada Day Challenge 2015 for more details and to review the contest rules and regulations.
As the finalist in the Draw It! category of the 2014 Canada Day Challenge, I was lucky enough to share an amazing week in our nation’s capital with the winners of the Write It! and Snap It! categories—Sarah and Alana—and many other delightful people. We were immersed in Canadian history during a succession of tours, and took part in an awesome Canada Day ceremony. We even got to meet the Governor General! So to all you kids out there: get outside, take a minute to appreciate our Canadian heritage, and inspire yourself to draw, snap or write for the 2015 Challenge! Bonne chance! – Emily Wang
Watch Hidden Gems by Emily Wang:
One little photo and write-up about the best of Canada, and I was transported to Ottawa, carrying a new iPad, meeting the Governor General, hearing the pounding horses’ hooves during a spectacular sunset musical ride, viewing First Nations’ art, celebrating on Parliament Hill, and even making a National Film Board video of the experience. Winners have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see Canada from a unique vantage point! Even if you don’t win big, you’ll still get to use your creativity to show others what makes Canada special and how you are part of that. So, what are you waiting for? – Alana Krug-MacLeod
Watch Intersections by Alana Krug-MacLeod:
I cannot think of a better way to spend your summer than flying out to Ottawa for the biggest party of the year. If you like adventure, fancy dinners, fireworks, museums, and meeting friends for life, then I would highly recommend entering the Canada Day Challenge. For me, this challenge was not only the literal journey of a lifetime, but it was one of the best opportunities for me to spend quality time with my dad before I left for school. The worst thing you can do is not give it a try! – Sarah Peerless
Watch Wheel’s Up by Sarah Peerless:
The contest ends on March 20. Please visit the Canada Day Challenge 2015 for more details and to review the contest rules and regulations.
The studios who pay tens of millions of dollars to make these films never get their dollars back.