Time Flies When You’re Watching Films
Time Flies When You’re Watching Films
According to the Steve Miller Band, time keeps on slipping into the future.
Indeed, from clocks, to calendars to that often neglected agenda we all keep in our rooms, the concept of time is a constant presence in our daily lives. It’s only natural, then, for filmmakers to attempt to capture and express this most ephemeral of subjects on camera. And, burning the midnight oil, we’ve managed to find three films in the NFB archive that all deal with the subject of time in different, albeit equally entertaining, ways
So, grab a big blue police box and relax. Here, presented in no particular chronological order, are three films for you to binge watch and waste some time with.
The End of Time
Featuring wonderful cinematography, this ruminating documentary looks at time from a variety of different angles. Traveling from the volcanoes of Hawaii, to the Large-Hadron Collider in Switzerland, to the inner-city of Detroit to sacred Buddhist temples, filmmaker Petter Mettler discusses the concept of time with leading experimental physicists, monks, environmentalists, social activists, Canadian electronic DJs and even his own mother.
The End of Time, Peter Mettler, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
From the Big Bang to Tuesday Morning
This fun, short animation is about exactly what it describes in the title: depicting the evolution of life on earth from its most primitive birth pangs all the way to the first hominids and, finally, finishing in the modern day. Stylized with gorgeous pencil-dawn art and funny moments, this animation is sure to stay with you for a long time.
From the Big Bang to Tuesday Morning, Claude Cloutier, provided by the National Film Board of Canada
Mirrors of Time
This educational animation is ready to answer any question you have about time.
From ancient Babylon and beyond, this film dissects and unravels the mysteries of time, and, in particular, examines how human societies have related to it throughout our history. From why we have calendars, to the reason we have seasons, to how we came up with a 365 day year, Mirrors of Time is an enjoyable time-based odyssey.
Mirrors of Time , Jean-Jacques Leduc, provided by the National Film Board of Canada