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Teacher Resources – National Observances and Holidays (Primary)

Teacher Resources – National Observances and Holidays (Primary)

Teacher Resources – National Observances and Holidays (Primary)

Already prepping for the upcoming school year? Overwhelmed with the amount of content available out there? Look no further!

For this post, we’re providing educational resources for National Observances and holidays celebrated in Canada. Below are helpful blogs, playlists, mini-lessons, and films that’re filled with discussions,  questions, and activities that you can use in your classroom—whether it be online or in person!

For primary school subjects, please click here: Teacher Resources – National Observances and Holidays (Secondary)


Black History Month

PLAYLIST: Black Communities in Canada: A Rich History

Valentine’s Day (Feb 14)

PLAYLIST: Valentine’s Day Films (Ages 9-14)


Nutrition Month

PLAYLISTFood and Sustainable Agriculture (Ages 10+)

FILM: Cafeteria


Poetry Month

FILM: Petra’s Poem


Earth Day (Apr 22)

PLAYLIST: Naomi Klein’s Playlist of Films about the Environment (Ages 10+)

PLAYLIST: Earth Day | 10 films about issues facing our planet (Ages 10+)

MINI-LESSON: A Sea Turtle’s Story

International Dance Day (Apr 29)

PLAYLIST: Ballet and Film at the NFB

MINI-LESSON: A Delicate Balance


Asian Heritage Month

PLAYLISTS: The Chinese-Canadian Experience (Ages 6+)


National Indigenous Peoples Month

PLAYLIST: Indigenous Cinema in the Classroom (Ages 6–11)

PLAYLIST: Wapos Bay Series (Ages 6-12)

BLOG POST: Exploring the concept of identity in the classroom through Indigenous films

MINI-LESSON: There’s No “I” in Hockey

MINI-LESSON: The Mountain of SGaana

Pride Month

PLAYLIST: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: Expanding Our Understanding (Ages 7-12)


World Oceans Day (June 8)

Ocean School


International Literacy Day (Sept 9)

PLAYLIST: Talespinners Collection (Ages 5-9)

BLOG POST: Short Films to Use in the ESL Classroom

FILM: The Girl Who Hated Books


World Mental Health Day (Oct 10)

PLAYLIST: Talking About Mental Health with Primary Students (Ages 7-12)

BLOG: Here Are A Few Tips For Successful Conflict Resolution

MINI-LESSONNightmare at School

FILM: Overdose

Halloween animations

Halloween (Oct 31)

PLAYLIST: Films for Halloween


Remembrance Day (Nov 11)

FILM: Balablok

PLAYLIST: War & Peace (Ages 10+)

BLOG POST: Symbols of War: Talking about Civil War with Students


Human Rights Day (Dec 10)

MINI-LESSON: Angel Peacock

BLOG POST: Rights from the Heart | Addressing Children’s Rights With Your Students


PLAYLIST: Short Films for the Holidays (Ages 8-11)

PLAYLIST: Films for Kids This Winter (Ages 7+)

PLAYLIST: Winter Sports Films (Ages 7+)


CAMPUS is the NFB Education subscription-based VOD service. In addition to the rich collection of free mini-lessons, playlists, and blog posts currently available on, a CAMPUS subscription includes:

  • Access to over 6,000 films and interactive productions;
  • Exclusive access to over 1,000 educational films and new releases;
  • One of the world’s largest collections of Indigenous films;
  • Thematic playlists curated by Canadian teachers;
  • A clip creator to select your favourite scenes from NFB films;
  • The ability to create and share playlists with students;
  • Hundreds of teaching guides;
  • Digital mini-lessons that use inquiry-based learning;
  • The ability to search the NFB catalogue by school subject;
  • MARC records to make our collection discoverable through library search system;
  • 100% Canadian content in both English and French.

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