Photo Friday | First Day of School, Montreal, 1962
Photo Friday | First Day of School, Montreal, 1962
Take a stroll around a Montreal working-class neighbourhood on the first day of class with these photos from September Five at Saint-Henri (1962.)
September Five at Saint-Henri, Hubert Aquin, National Film Board of Canada
Directed by Hubert Aquin, and shot by a team of at least 11 camerapeople, the short film is a series of vignettes of daily life in Saint-Henri, a neighbourhood in southwestern Montreal.
From dawn to midnight, we take in the hood’s pulse: a mother fussing over children, a father’s enforced idleness, teenage boys clowning, young lovers dallying – the unposed quality of daily life.
For more St-Henri goodness, check out St-Henri, the 26th of August (2011), another collaborative work made in the spirit of cinéma-vérité.
Je suis de Charlevoix. Exactement ce costume de fille et…… un béret aussi (!) on ne criait pas à l’époque: “au scandale, les jeunes filles doivent porter un béret”…..